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Anonymous Punks the FBI. Police arrest five over Anonymous WikiLeaks attacks | Technology. Five people were arrested yesterday in connection with a spate of online attacks last month in support of WikiLeaks. Police said the five males, aged 15, 16, 19, 20 and 26, were arrested in a series of raids at 7am in the West Midlands, Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire, Surrey and London. All five are being held in custody at local police stations. The five were arrested on suspicion of being involved in the group of "hacktivists" known as Anonymous, who temporarily crippled the websites of MasterCard, Visa and PayPal after those companies cut off financial services to WikiLeaks.

The attacks followed the whistleblowing site's release of US diplomatic cables. The distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks, which bring down sites by bombarding them with repeated requests to load webpages, are illegal in the UK under the Computer Misuse Act and carry a maximum fine of £5,000. "You can easily arrest individuals, but you cannot arrest an ideology. State of the Nation. Like Barr's previous statements to FT, the entirety of his research is not only terrible, but in many cases less informative than is the public record.

The entry on me, for instance, is entirely inaccurate despite the fact that I have not been a clandestine participant since coming out of the closet months ago. As noted by Bernard Keane, the situation is rather hilarious. More to the point, it should demonstrate that HBGary Federal is not only incapable of protecting its clients and informing on folks who were among the first to get involved in Tunisia and Egypt - it is incapable of protecting itself.

Here are the 60,000 e-mails that were acquired today. Enjoy! NOTE: I'VE TAKEN DOWN THE LINK BECAUSE THOSE E-MAILS ALSO INCLUDE THOSE FROM HBGARY ITSELF, WHICH ONLY OWNS 15 PERCENT OF HBGARY FEDERAL. I'll be posting additional updates and materials here over the next few minutes. In conclusion, lol. ANONYMOUS PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Distribution February 7th, 2011 We are Anonymous.

Justice Anon

Westboro. HBGary. Amanda T. Rehtaeh P. Suicide d'une ado victime d'un viol collectif : des Anonymous se font enquêteurs.