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Lemon and Vanilla Curd Cake. Lemon and Vanilla Curd Cake Curds were once an important part of the Irish diet, and were also useful for paying the rent.

Lemon and Vanilla Curd Cake

Recipes for this delicately flavoured cheesecake are found in several eighteenth century"receipt" books. 175g/ 6oz sweet shortcrust pastry Filling 40g/ 11/2oz butter 50g/2oz vanilla flavoured sugar (or caster sugar plus essence) 2 egg yolks 1tbsp (heaped) plain flour rind and juice of 1/2 lemon 225g/ 8oz cottage cheese Topping 1tbsp flour 1tbsp sugar 1tbsp butter, melted 1 egg, beaten caster sugar to dust Preheat oven to gas mark 4/ 180°C/ 350°F, warm a baking sheet and grease a loose-bottomed flan tin. Werewolves of Ossory. Werewolves of Ossory The motif of the werewolf is strong in Irish folklore.

Werewolves of Ossory

There are a number of old tales about strange tribes of wolf-men living in remote areas of County Tipperary, whose assistance was often sought by the ancient kings of Ireland when they made war upon each other. There are also tales of strange beings - half-men, half-wolves - roaming the remote forest and mountain areas of the island. Indeed, one of the oldest written stories that we have about werewolves comes from Ireland. This comes from the pen of Giraldus Cambrensis who wrote down many old Irish tales.

The Werewolves of Ossoryfrom Banshees, Beasts and Brides from the Sea by Bob Curran, published by Appletree Press Several years before the arrival of Prince John in Ireland, a certain priest was travelling from the kingdom of Ulster towards Meath on some urgent and religious business. As night drew on, the violet sky overhead changed to a deeper hue and soon utter darkness spread across the entire countryside. Irish Fairies. Grogochs were originally half human, half-fairy aborigines who came from Kintyre in Scotland to settle in Ireland.

Irish Fairies

The grogoch, well-known throughout north Antrim, Rathlin Island and parts of Donegal, may also to be found on the Isle of Man, where they are called 'phynnodderee'. Resembling a very small elderly man, though covered in coarse, dense reddish hair or fur, he wears no clothes, but sports a variety of twigs and dirt from his travels. Grogochs are not noted for their personal hygiene: there are no records of any female grogochs. The grogoch is impervious to searing heat or freezing cold. His home may be a cave, hollow or cleft in the landscape. He has the power of invisibility and will often only allow certain trusted people to observe him. He will scuttle about the kitchen looking for odd jobs to do and will invariably get under people's feet. . [ Irish Fairies Home | The Banshee | The Leprechaun | Merrows | ]


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