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The 2012 A-Z List Of Educational Twitter Hashtags. We got so many additions and updates to our 2011 list we thought it was time to bring you the most up-to-date list for 2012. So, without further ado, here’s the 2012 A-Z list of educational Twitter hashtags. We went through all the comments on the 2011 version , wrote down all the Twitter and Facebook updates, and compiled this list over the course of several months. What follows is our best effort to bring you the biggest and baddest list of hashtags. I’m sure we still missed some as new hashtags seemingly pop up every day.

In any case, let us know what we missed in the comments or on our Facebook page! First, some background to get you up to speed on what the heck a hashtag is. First, What’s A Hashtag? Whether you’re a new or seasoned Twitter user, you likely come across confusing hashtags that probably look like a bunch of nonsense. The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. How To Hide Your Hashtag Chat From Followers Sources The Most Popular Hashtags. LISD Science - Collaboration is the key to our success! My Feed. The edWeb - Richard Lane. Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students.