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Quiet Books

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Винни пух Глава 1. Пятница, 15 апреля 2011 г. Я в подарок недавно пошила новую развивающую книжку"Винни пух". Заказ был следующий книжка с большим количеством застежек, возраст 2,5 года. Пол выяснить не удалось :)Соответственно нужна сюжетная книжка с застежками. А где много застежек-в домиках. А домиков много в Винни Пухе. Кому интересно смотрим дальше :) Материалы: Ткани диагональ, проклеено клеевой самой жеской для воротничков (синтепон, когда много застежек неудобно), фетр, салфетки вискозные(куда ж без этого помошника рукодельницы), всяки разны застежки, акриловые краски и контуры. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. страница. Ну и можно вспомнить сам мультик. 101 мастер-класс. How to Make a Quiet Book.

Quiet Books. I Spy bag for quiet play. Quiet Book Templates. Looking for more quiet book ideas? Check out my new book Quiet Book Patterns: 25 easy-to-make activities for your children now on sale at Full of original ideas and includes a CD to print off templates! Thank you for all the kind comments about the quiet books. I was happy to hear that several of you plan on making one. (You can see them HERE.) First lets talk about supplies. For all the pictures on my pages I decided to use felt. Each of my books has eleven pages plus the cover page. For velcro I used the clear sticky dots. This book requires a lot of fusible webbing and ironing. Each template should print out on a full horizontal 8 1/2 x 11" paper. And the moment you've all been waiting for . . . The templates! You can view the supply list HERE. (To print templates: Click on picture and then copy and save to your computer.

Circus monkey can be found HERE. I've received comments from people surprised that I was giving away all this information for free. Quiet book templates. Good morning! Below are some templates from my quiet book. Print them out as a full page image, and they'll be just the right size for a 12x12 inch quiet book. To answer some frequently asked questions about the quiet book: The pages are made with plain white cotton fabricEach page has a very thin layer of batting in between (I use warm n' natural)I have not needed to wash my book so far, so I can't tell you how well it would hold up in the machine.

I would recommend spot cleaning, and if you expect frequent washings, use as much cotton fabric and as little craft felt as possible.Sorry that templates for all pages are not included, and that I did not provide detailed instructions. For more great quiet book ideas, check out the following blogs:How to Make a Quiet BookModest MavenNaptime JournalCrafty Chic. Little Hands, Big Work: Busy Book for Busy Hands. I created this book (almost completely from scraps!) For my son to use during church meetings and tried it out for the first time this Sunday. It worked great! It kept him happy and quiet for about 30 minutes! That's about 5 times longer then anything eles I've tried:)I wanted it to keep him entertained but I also wanted it to educate him.

I'll go through each page and tell you how I tried to do that. The Cover The first page is a shape matching game. The second page was Caden's(my oldest) favorite. The third page is buttoning flowers. The forth page is a lift the flap counting game. The fifth and sixth page were a huge hit! Page seven is a counting page. Finally page eight is a magnet board with shapes that stick and little idea cards. And that's all of it.

Cloth Book. GC Home | Register | Shop | Learn | Business | Around Town | Info A cloth activity book makes a wonderful gift for a child. These books are made from cloth and contain small activities that even the youngest child will enjoy. The books are soft, easy to carry and use. The size of the book you make is up to you. Anything from 21" x 14" to 17" x 9.5" works great. This is the measurement of the book laying open flat. The book should be big enough for the child to sit comfortably with the book on his or her lap. Think about making the cover of the book from a different fabric than you select for the inside pages. Before embellishing the pages with activities, lightly mark the center of each "page". The pages and activities you do can be simple or complicated. This is a great project for using up smaller pieces of fabric.

The designs and ideas for each page are endless. A lamb made from a high pile fabric. After the pages have been embellished, each page will be joined together. Have Fun! Quiet Book. Index. Quiet Book.