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6 tips on doing SEO for big brands when you’re the little guy. Using Technology To Automate 79.7% Of Your Internet Business. 79.7% – that’s crazy, right?! I mean, how could you automate 79.7% of your business? You would need employees and an entire team of virtual assistants just to make it work, right? …and what’s up with the 20.3% that’s left? Why isn’t that part of your business automated? First of all, you must know that this percentage (79.7%) is not based on 20 years of experiments done in some underground marketing lab that I own; whose location is only known by a select few.

(O_0) – I simply came up with that number after looking at the four components of internet business building; and based it around the 80/20 rule. (or 79.7/20.3 rule in this case) The rule says that 80% of our results will come from 20% of our efforts. Let’s Talk About Business Automation There are definitely more pieces you can automate of your internet business than not, but very few of us actually do it. Oh, I don’t know, maybe we like to stay busy and feel productive.

Here’s what they are… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Easiest Way To Cut Out Photos In Photoshop. This tutorial shows you a really easy method of cutting out images using Photoshop, rather than using some of the more complicated methods such as the pen tool and lasso tool. This tutorial is a screen cast, therefore i will be guiding you through out the whole entire process. Tutorial Details Difficulty: Beginner Program: Photoshop images used courtesy of big stock Tutorial:

Pinterest for retailers and content marketers: infographic. As everyone goes Pinterest crazy, more and more stats are emerging about its potential for online retailers and marketers. This infographic from Maxymiser contains some useful data on who is using the site, what they are doing on the site, as well as some ideas on how brands can use Pinterest. For more on Pinterest, see guest blogger Dave Wieneke's three part series. He explains its potential for digital marketers, the copyright issues which may threaten it, and Pinterest's business model. Business planning. 50 Useful SEO Infographics to Increase Website Ranking in Google Search Engine. EmailShare 45EmailShare Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in maximizing a website’s online presence and growing your online business. Regardless you are running a website, blog or e-Commerce site, you should get yourself familiar with things you should and should not be doing on your web pages to make them rank higher in Google and other search engines.

If you are lacking of SEO knowledge, here’s a collection of 50 useful infographics to help you understand the concept better and remember the SEO strategies easily. Don’t forget to bookmark the post or save these infographics to your computer so that you can always remind yourself of SEO tips and techniques a long the way as you build your website or blog. SEO Factors Contributing to Optimal Rankings Any good search marketing campaign has a multi-pronged approach to achieving top rankings. Blending such factors as site structure, content relevance, and online press releases will influence your site’s chances for success.

5 Social Media Marketing Trends: New Research. Are you being asked to prove the value of social media for your business? Do you struggle to accurately measure the return on investment (ROI) of your social media marketing? You’re not alone. Several new research studies reveal that marketing managers are under increased pressure to show measurable results from their social media efforts. But these same managers indicate that measuring the returns is one of their top two challenges for 2012. See how your experience compares to others in the industry. #1: The Benefits Derived from Social Media are Increasing In a survey of 700 marketers from all over the globe, Wildfire App discovered that nearly all marketers find value from social media and that 75% of marketers plan to increase their media spending in 2012.

The top two benefits highlighted by these marketers are increased brand awareness and the ability to engage in dialogue directly with their customers. . #2: More Businesses are Investing in Social Media So What are Companies Measuring? Graphic Design Blender | Business Tips for Designers. TentBlogger | Blogging for Fun and Profit!