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Lambton Family Dental

If you’re seeking a Sarnia Dentist, look no further than Lambton Family Dental. Our Sarnia patients enjoy excellent oral health with regular check-ups and preventative care from our team of professionals.

Are DIY Teeth Whitening Safe and Effective? Your teeth are among the first things other people notice about you.

Are DIY Teeth Whitening Safe and Effective?

The condition of your teeth can reflect how you take care of your dental health and impact your self-confidence. For many people, having white teeth can make your smile look healthier, cleaner, and more attractive. As more people grow more aware of the appearance of their teeth, it is easy to see why people want to whiten their teeth. How to Prepare Your Teeth for the Fall. Oral healthcare is a year-round priority.

How to Prepare Your Teeth for the Fall

Whether you’re a child or an adult, dental health can affect every aspect of your wellness. However, a visit to the dentist once a year is not enough for your teeth. How to Handle Dental Emergencies During COVID-19. Emergency dental care during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a real challenge.

How to Handle Dental Emergencies During COVID-19

Dental offices everywhere are instructed to follow strict health and safety protocols to keep operating. Fortunately, this year, dentists can now provide non-essential and elective care alongside dental emergencies and essential or urgent care. Your visits to the dentist during this pandemic are going to be different. Oral Cancer: Importance of Early Detection. The Canadian Cancer Society has estimated that over 5,000 citizens will be diagnosed with oral cancer.

Oral Cancer: Importance of Early Detection

In 2020, over 1,500 people were expected to die of the disease, but actual numbers surpassed that estimate. Signs and symptoms are typically not obvious and when they do become noticeable, it may be too late. Fortunately, dentists and doctors have a way of detecting oral cancer before it can take over your overall health. Detection and Diagnosis. Lambton Family Dental. At Lambton Family Dental, we are committed to providing excellent dental care in a comfortable and relaxed setting.

Lambton Family Dental

We provide comprehensive dental services while considering the unique needs of each individual patient. We take the time to learn about your specific concerns so we can create an individualized treatment plan that meets your needs. Problems With Missing Teeth That Might Surprise You. The human mouth has 32 teeth.

Problems With Missing Teeth That Might Surprise You

A full set of teeth is crucial for chewing food into small pieces for easy digestion. However, some tend to misuse them, like using them as tools for opening bottle caps instead of their intended function. Although they are the hardest substance in the body, it does not mean they are indestructible. With an unhealthy lifestyle, poor oral hygiene, and irregular dental checkup, you could end up missing a tooth or more. How to Deal With Halitosis? Bad breath in the morning is normal.

How to Deal With Halitosis?

However, if it bothers you 24/7, it may be a cause for concern. While it can make you lose your confidence during social interactions, this is not the most pressing matter. The primary problem lies in the possibility that halitosis may be caused by a more serious dental health issue. Usually a symptom of a worse condition, halitosis is a warning sign for dental and gastrointestinal complications. If you are experiencing chronic bad breath, turn to your dentist right away. Community Involvement. At Lambton Family Dental, we believe strengthening our community strengthens us and makes us more connected to our patients.

Community Involvement

We've got the skill and talent to make a real difference in people's lives and that's why every year we make the effort to make a real difference. Mouth Guard Clinic: Protecting your teeth is important. That is why every year we organize a free mouth guard clinic to help children protect their teeth while playing contact sports such as hockey, football, and soccer.

Every year the clinic just gets bigger and bigger, and in 2014, we gave away over 300 mouth guards to kids in the community. Lambton Family Dental. Welcome and Thank You for taking an interest in becoming a new patient at Lambton Family Dental.

Lambton Family Dental

Choosing the right dentist is a big decision to make, and should not be taken lightly. After all, the strength and beauty of your smile is at stake! Is it Safe to Go to the Dentist During COVID-19? COVID-19 has brought about various changes in the way people live, do business, and even get medical or dental care.

Is it Safe to Go to the Dentist During COVID-19?

However, because poor oral health leads to a higher risk of severe COVID-19 cases, taking care of your teeth and gums is more crucial than ever. We understand that the most pressing concern is if it’s safe for you to go to the dentist during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the advice of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) and Ontario Dental Association (ODA), a set of guidelines for dental visits during COVID-19 was established. Clinics are permitted to operate so long as they strictly adhere to these policies.

All these protocols have been established to make it safe for you and the dental staff. Cosmetic Dentistry & Teeth Whitening in Sarnia. A greater awareness of health issues means that people are taking much better care of their teeth. More than ever, we are seeing the positive results of increased attention to dental care in the improved overall health of our patients. One of the popular cosmetic dental services we provide is teeth whitening. Our Sarnia patients enjoy the benefits of a brighter smile with each treatment. With basic exams and cleanings taken care of every six months, more and more people are turning their attention to improving the aesthetics of their smiles.

Lambton Family Dental. Regular checkups are the best way to maintain excellent oral health. If we discover a problem, our restorative and reconstructive services can correct it before it becomes serious. Regular visits with your dentist are also a great way to keep up to date on the latest procedures available for improving the appearance of your smile. Lambton Family Dental offers a full range of dentistry services for all members of the family. As we age, our dental needs change. Braces vs. Invisalign: Pros and Cons. Teeth realignment may seem like it’s primarily cosmetic, however, it comes with a variety of benefits beyond aesthetics.

Straight or aligned teeth not only make your smile beautiful but also preserves the overall health of your teeth and jaw. Because of this, more people have become interested in having their teeth straightened. Their primary concern now is whether to opt for traditional braces or Invisalign. The world of difference between braces and Invisalign makes this choice no small feat. Dental Care Tips for Seniors to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums. Practicing proper oral hygiene and habits remains just as important for seniors as it is for toddlers. During your senior years, you may potentially face several problems concerning your dental health. However, your dental care provider can help protect your oral health from the effects of aging. While dental health can potentially deteriorate with age, getting regular dental checkups enables the dentist to quickly identify, resolve, and even prevent the problem before it can aggravate. That’s why you should never take for granted the importance of oral care in the elderly.

Common Senior Dental Problems.