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Meaningful transitions - Animation - Google design guidelines. Motionographer Inspiration (Beta) After Effects + MadMapper and How to map a building… In this tutorial, we’ll use After Effects to produce a QuickTime movie that we will remap on a building. We’ll also need Photoshop to adjust our initial pictures. The effect we’re after is a Glowing-Scan of the building. The technique is rather simple, but it illustrates the process to achieve a photo-based architectural mapping. This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of Adobe Photoshop + After Effects and MadMapper. STEP#1: Select a building to map and take a few pictures of it. Here’s the first picture we’ll use, loaded into Photoshop: STEP#2 Now we’ll need to correct the perspective of this photo, in order to have a flat view of the building. Note that since the building is symetrical, we only need one half.

Note the right part aligned with the middle of the center window and front door. STEP#3 Create some guides on the straight parts of the building. STEP#4 Now press Command-T to transform this layer. STEP#7 Mark the features of the building. Save the Photoshop file as a PSD. The illusion of life. Formation Motion Design : Kola Blog. Tutorials. CGMTL - Mateusz Ludwinek Digital Artist. Blackmagic Design: Fusion Formation. .::Gaouprod::. Le blog pour les passionnés de vidéo, d'animation et d'effets spéciaux. Tutorials | mamoworld. After Effects Users. Mitch Martinez – Director of Photography. - main page. PIXOMONDO. Prime Focus World. 3D Mapping on a transparent Jaguar car Full HD. Accueil | JPB Audiovisuel. Collectif Paradigme | Scénographie, mapping vidéo, installation interactive, motion design…

Trapcode tuto. This is the "Bubbley HiComplex" comp that uses the Multi SmoothRidge type. Here used with the Seamless Looping functionality to create this ever-looping GIF. "Oil Flow" - same as above but with specular and almost no diffuse. Here is the SmoothRidge fractal type lit with a few lights and Material properties setup so there is almost no diffuse and lots of specular.

Lux also used here to visualize the lightsources. Also included is another test with the technique from the Mir Thing tutorial. If you want to check them out here is the AE project (CS6): mir_beta3_stuff.aep. Motion Graphics Served :: Gallery. Raccourcis clavier : After Effects. After Effects: Traduction des noms des modes de fusion anglais - français [1681] Effets anglais vers français. Watch the Titles - Home.

Art of the Title. Instagram filters for video | CineblurInstagram filters for video. Everyone loves the Instagram app for their phones. It’s a cool way to create vintage/retro photos with a tap of the finger. Seriously, people go nuts over these type of filters. A while back, Daniel Box, created Photoshop actions of these filters. They’re awesome. I wanted a way to use these in applications like After Effects or Final Cut Pro. I took Daniel Box’s Instagram Photoshop actions, and made them into LUTs and presets to use with video. Click one of these socially awesome links to download!

Note: if you’ve clicked the buttons above, and your download has not started yet, click here. ⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧Download⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧ How to use these presets. For FCP7, Motion, and Premiere CS51. For After EffectsDownload and install LUT Buddy from Red Giant Software. For Dacinci Resolve Place the LUT files in library/application support/blackmagic design/davinci resolve/LUT/CineSpace. Royalty Free Music Library from VideoFort Stock Footage: Aerial & Nature HD Video Clips. Templates for After Effects, Apple Motion and Cinema 4D | VideoHive. Tutorials and Articles - Creative COW.

Lexique audiovisuel. Le 4K est un format numérique en vigueur au cinéma et en vidéo professionnelle qui totalise 8,6 millions de pixels (en format 1.85) ou 7,0 millions de pixels (en format 2.35). Agrandissant l'image selon un rapport x4, sa résolution de base est de 4096 × 2160 pixels. L'UHD (Ultra HD) utilisé en vidéo, et confondu avec le 4K car très proche, est de 3840 × 2160. A/B Roll Terme devenu un peu désuet désignant la synchronisation de deux lecteurs (par exemple deux magnétoscopes), avec passage consécutif de la source A vers B (ou vice versa) pour effectuer un effet de transition :fondu-enchaîné, volet, voire en cut.

En virtuel aujourd'hui, on parle juste de transition A/B ou B/A, le terme "Roll" (Roulement) n'ayant plus lieu. A/X Roll Montage où plus de deux sources sont utilisées simultanément. Abaque En projection, synoptique indiquant la position d'un projecteur en regard de la dimension de l'écran. AC-3 (ou AC3) Autre nom donné au codage Dolby Digital. Accu (ou Accumulateur) Pile rechargeable. Axe. Motion Graphic Artists. PORTFOLIO | Smog Films. Après plusieurs semaines d’attentes et une mises en lignes des photos sur notre blog dédié il y a quelques semaines, voici enfin la sortie du premier chapitre d’une belle série : Soleil Levant. Cet épisode des Contemplations nous emmène […]Read More ” Les vrais savent, préviens les autres…” // ” The real knows, warn the others…” . SMOG FILMS : (PRODUCTION, DIRECTING, EDITING, FILMING, ART DIRECTION, SCRIPT WRITING, MOTION DESIGN, SPECIAL EFFECTS, DOCUMENTARY, TV SHOWS, […]Read More Images : Jean Penninck & Sébastien Abès Edit & Effect : Sébastien Abès Music : reminisci by Sébastien Abès.

Production Smog Films. and we wish you the best for this new year.Read More I was just here for the day one of the Joel Tudor invitational to proudly shoot my French homies Clovis and Robin on their own spot ! Amazing to watch all these guys surfing at […]Read More During the Hives’ last European Tour, we shot fives backstages mini documentary. GoPro HD Cameras Hacks et astuces: Tuto : slowmotion sousTwixtor & After Effect, par Jordi. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Twixtor, il s'agit d'un logiciel de la société Re:Vision Effects disponible sous forme de plugin pour la plupart des solutions de montage.Bon, autant vous laminer tout de suite, il s'agit d'une solution professionnelle, à un prix... professionnel.Comptez $330 pour la version de base (oui, ça calme).Mais que fait-il donc à ce prix là, ce fameux Twixtor ? Il va vous aider à faire des images très, très ralenties, sans avoir recours à des caméras à miroir rotatif !

Rappelez-vous l'article intitulé "'L'Art du ralenti" où nous vous parlions de la notion d'images intermédiaires. Et bien voilà ce que fait Twixtor : il crée des images intermédiaires grâce à des algorithmes d'interpolation, un peu comme un logiciel de warping, donc.Jordi vous livre ici sa recette pour l'utiliser en plugin After Effect (AE): Faites glisser votre vidéo dans le projet. Puis faites la glisser de nouveau mais ce coup-ci sur la timeline. Avancez de nouveau d'une image... Et voilà ! Formation After Effects gratuite - e-learning pour débuter. Logo Reveals - Tuts+ 3D & Motion Graphics Tutorials. My Top 5 After Effects Expressions. I realize that expressions can be daunting, and some would rather copy and past useful code rather than learn the language.

That’s cool with me. Therefore, I’d like to share with you my top 5 after effects expressions. These are expressions I use in just about every project, and I consider them to be incredible workflow enhancements. Download My Top 5 After Effects Expressions as FFX presets here. 1. Essentially, Inertial Bounce creates a bouncing motion of any parameter from one keyframe to the next, based on its velocity. This expression is a bit of a community effort. Modify “amp” for the amplitude or how much bounce is present. Amp = .1; freq = 2.0; decay = 2.0; n = 0; if (numKeys > 0){ n = nearestKey(time).index; if (key(n).time > time){ n--; }} if (n == 0){ t = 0; }else{ t = time - key(n).time; } if (n > 0){ v = velocityAtTime(key(n).time - thisComp.frameDuration/10); value + v*amp*Math.sin(freq*t*2*Math.PI)/Math.exp(decay*t); }else{value} Like the free content here?

2. 3. 4. Expressions - Geometry. Tutorials - graymachine | The Art and Science of Motion. After Effects PlayList. Pro Video Coalition. After Effects and Cinema 4D Tutorials and Training. WhiteDots » Motion graphics & templates,tutorials. Home - RED GIANT PEOPLE. Red Giant. VIDEO COPILOT. ShareLog. I did some tests with letting Sound Keys control Mir that came out pretty cool. Download AE CS6 AEP: AudioMir.aep Download AE CS5.5 AEP: AudioMir_CS55.aep Procedural audio reactive animation.Quick test using Trapcode Sound Keys controlling Mir to generate visuals from audio. In this case, three expressions are used on Mir:Rotate Y = time*20;Amplitude = 200+thisComp.layer("SK").effect("Sound Keys")("Output 1");Frequency = 200+thisComp.layer("SK").effect("Sound Keys")("Output 3"); Where SK is the sound keys layer and Output one is setup to capture bass and Output 3 is setup to capture the high frequencies.

Music: "Fortress" by -ono- ( Mattrunks. After Effects Tutorials. Eran Stern - After Effects. Aescripts + aeplugins - MotionWorks - After Effects and Cinema 4D.