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Wingmakers: Pingala And Ida Nadi Channels. Hidden Lighthouse: Frequency & the Law of Vibration « The Awakening. Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website In the year 1905, Albert Einstein proved that we can break matter down into smaller components and that, when we do, we move beyond the material realm and into a realm in which everything is energy.

Hidden Lighthouse: Frequency & the Law of Vibration « The Awakening

This is the Law of Vibration, a law of nature that states that ‘nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates.’ The lower the vibration, the slower the vibration; the higher the vibration the faster the vibration. The difference between the manifestations of the physical, mental, emo-tional and spiritual result simply from different levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies.

So, while the feelings of fear, grief and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, the feelings of love, joy and gratitude vibrate much quicker. Vagus nerve.