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Hodder & Stoughton Publisher - find your perfect book, ebook, audio download. Headline Publishing Publishers of Fiction, Non Fiction Books, e-Books. Abaddon Books. Gollancz. Solaris Books. Titan Books - Titan Books Homepage. Orbit Books | Science Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy | Orbit Books. Tor Books. Angry Robot Books. Voyager UK | Harper Voyager Books. Jackie Morris has been illustrating Robin Hobb’s covers for many years. With Robin’s next book, The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince, due out next month, with another beautiful Jackie Morris illustration on the front, we thought you might enjoy to hear a bit more about the woman behind the art… How did you come to read Robin Hobb’s work in the first place? Someone recommended the Liveships series to me, because of the dragons I think. I started reading them and was gripped straight away. What was it that you loved about it so?

I love her characters and the way that they change and develop as things happen to them. And how did you come to be commissioned to create the covers for her books? I was reading the second of the Liveships books while busy working when I had an email from Jane Johnson. Do you have a favourite character or set of characters? I always think the answer to this would be easy. Like Robin, you have a strong emotional and spiritual connection with animals. I do. Torquere Press Inc. , LGBT Romance at its finest!