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29 Ways to Collect Email Addresses for Your Business. Looking for ways to grow your list of newsletter subscribers?

29 Ways to Collect Email Addresses for Your Business

There are a ton of ways to get people to sign up for your weekly or monthly email marketing campaigns. I’ve put together a list for you to read, so you have heaps of options for growing your list. Include a link to your newsletter sign up form in the main navigation bar of your website and/or blog. (Or better yet, include a sign up form in the main navigation bar).Create a “sign up” call to action on your Facebook business page.Create enticing visuals encouraging people to sign up for your list, and post them on social media channels (especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn).Attend or exhibit at a trade show or networking event and bring a newsletter email sign up clipboard or book. If you’re tech savvy, bring an iPad or mobile device with you. Bonus: Optimize your site for appropriate SEO keywords, and ensure your business is on appropriate online listings.

Have any additional ideas? © 2016, Janine Popick. Between Minds: An Ongoing Taxonomy of Team Dynamics. Between your weekday project team and your weekend softball league, you’re likely bombarded with messages reinforcing the importance of teamwork.

Between Minds: An Ongoing Taxonomy of Team Dynamics

Consider the motivational posters tacked up around your office or locker room: “There is No ‘I’ in ‘Team”“Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”“Share victory. Share defeat” You may wonder if these wordsmiths have actually met the people you work with. Yet team synergy can be something more than a buzzword: An effective team can carry a project through from inception to completion with a minimal amount of external supervision. When a team doesn’t function this effectively, it could be that members are tasked assignments that don’t play to their strengths. For example, Crazy Larry isn’t really crazy, he’s just right brain dominant and chooses tasks according to whatever is in front of him. Carla may seem aloof sometimes, but sometimes cat people are like that. Click here to see if you are a thought leader vs. a do leader.

Tech entrepreneur secretly lives at AOL HQ for two months. An enterprising young fellow named Eric Simons secretly lived at AOL headquarter for two months.

Tech entrepreneur secretly lives at AOL HQ for two months

He was given a badge while working a short stint at AOL's Imagine K12 incubator event for young education entrepreneurs. He really enjoyed his visit, so he just stayed, and his badge kept working. He used the company showers and gym, slept on the company sofas, and worked on his business plan until he was finally busted by a security guard. Having since secured $50K for his startup, ClassConnect, he has found rental accommodation. Daniel Terdiman wrote for CNet: Having spent several months legitimately working in the building, often quite late, Simons had noticed that although there were security guards with nightly rounds, there were at least three couches that seemed outside those patrols.

Meet the tireless entrepreneur who squatted at AOL (via Kottke) (Image: Eric Simons) 7 Money Tricks Rich Guys Know : MensHealth. My dad taught me how to rig a mainsail, my college buddies taught me how to hold my Jim Beam, and my teachers taught me how to parse Chaucer.

7 Money Tricks Rich Guys Know : MensHealth

But somehow no one got around to helping me calculate compound interest or build a diversified portfolio. Arcane skills? Perhaps, but learning them is the best way to avoid spending your retirement years nibbling on Alpo. Of course, people teach only what they know, and previous generations had less cause to study the finer points of finance, says Charles Farrell, a Denver-based investment advisor. Ensuring your financial survival will require learning to be your own CFO. Figuring Out Your Net Worth Would you start a diet without knowing your weight? And if you've never stepped on a financial scale, it's way too easy to binge on debt. One warning about net worth: The equity in your home is an asset, but its value is subjective, and it's not as useful in a pinch as cash or nonretirement investments.