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Fiesta Electronic. Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music. Banda sonora de El Gladiador (MP3 y partitura) The Evolution Of Portable Music. With the mp3 file format came a whole new revolution of technology and also a lot of whining from the record companies. Being a writer and producer myself, I particularly remember when the record and publishing companies started to blame their lousy innovative thinking regarding dropping sales due to mp3 sharing. In a way, they were right, but I also know that multinational record companies actually talked to Napster themselves to distribute their new music to get a bigger spread.

It’s all unconfirmed; however, since I’m in this industry, I know that everyone is talking about it and usually when companies go out of their way to deny it, there is some truth to it. Portable music goes way farther back then to the mp3 file. It actually started in 1954 with the world’s first portable transistor radio. I bet the quality of that badboy wasn’t exactly satisfying, but as long as it gave some sort of music, news or entertainment, I am sure it impressed a heck of a lot of people. Via: [Tech King] Alex Steinweiss, The Inventor of the Modern Album Cover. Libros TASCHEN.

Alex Steinweiss: The inventor of album cover design. | Dummy » Photos. Alex Steinweiss: The inventor of album cover design. Alex Steinweiss was born in Brooklyn, and after graduating he worked for three years assisting the Austrian poster designer Joseph Binder. During World War II, Steinweiss became Columbia Records’ advertising manager, who introduced him to their innovation: the long-playing record. Steinweiss developed a jacket for the new format, and so invented the notion of an album cover. He designed record covers from 1939 until 1973, 2,500 covers in total.

Before him, records were carried in featureless bags. His first cover was for a collection of Rodgers and Hart songs performed by an orchestra, showed a high-contrast photo of a theater marquee with the title in lights. Breve Historia de las Portadas en el Disco de Jazz. Si es cierto que no se juzga un libro en función de sus tapas, ni un disco por el dibujo de su portada, es necesario reconocer que una bonita imagen, una buena fotografía o un dibujo meritorio, ayudan de manera inequívoca a que el futuro oyente se sienta atraído notablemente por el mensaje que la portada transmite.

A veces la portada y el grafismo ayudan a realzar la calidad musical que envuelve, otras veces el disco está muy por encima del diseño de la portada, pero cuando ambas cosas coinciden, el coleccionista sabe que tiene en sus manos una autentica obra de arte. La historia de la portada del disco de jazz comienza en una fecha en la que ésta música era hegemónica en la sociedad norteamericana, y un autentico fenómeno de masas entre la juventud que bailaba al ritmo de las grandes orquestas de swing.