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Pulpo. Pulpo blog. Wood Wallpaper: Peeling Paint has Never Looked So Good. Organized patterns are easy – controlling chaos is complex.

Wood Wallpaper: Peeling Paint has Never Looked So Good

Comparably, buying new is simple, but even simulating age takes time. These vintage-style wall coverings are quite seamless solutions to a quick-and-cheap vintage look. Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek has created black, white, pastel and natural wood combination papers perfect for adding an accent wall alongside painted companions. Each of the six rolls is made of quality high-resolution, non-woven, colorfast and washable FSC-certified paper, and contains four square meters of scrap wood-style sheeting. All of it is conveniently and appropriately packaged in a simple set of brown cardboard boxes, elegant but efficient as well.