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The Best Of The Day. Episode 205: Items similar to iPad Case iPad Case Cover iPad 2 Cover iPad 3 Case iPad Stand Case Paris iPad Cover. Collar origami geométrico Parejarita fieltro por LayonStore. Stylish Monogrammed Weekender Tote: Weekend Wonders Returns with I love today's weekender tote because it combines some of my favorite types of fabrics: natural, nubby twill, soft faux suede, and happy gingham for a pop of color and pattern.

Stylish Monogrammed Weekender Tote: Weekend Wonders Returns with

As part of our Weekend Wonders Returns series with, today's tote is the first of a trio of travel storables in this fantastic blend of fabrics. It has the perfect soft feel, which also makes it extremely packable. Not so soft and slouchy that it puddles on the floor, but also not so stiff that it seems to stand at attention if you set it down. Fill it up for a weekend getaway. Take it with you on your weekend shopping excursions.

Our combination of fabrics makes a wonderful transition to the tones and textures of fall. Our thanks to for sponsoring two weeks of projects designed to whip up in a weekend. Click here to download our monogram alphabet and brackets. Our tote finishes at approximately 17" wide x 20" high with a 6" base and sides and a strap drop of about 12". Optional embroidery. Cross Stitch-Other Hand Works,The Other Hand Works Communication / Download,cross-stitch,Cross stitch patterns download,Needlework,Vez Krizica,kruissteek,ristipisto,point de croix PdC,Kreuzstich,keresztszem,keresztszemes,kristik,Punto a Croce,Punto Croce, Chata-chata. Decoración infantil: Siluetas Infantiles niño. Después de unos días sin mostraros trabajos, os traigo el encargo de Miriam para la habitación de su peque y la entrada de hoy va repleta de fotos.

Chata-chata. Decoración infantil: Siluetas Infantiles niño

Está compuesto por el nombre y un conjunto de siluetas, Miriam eligió el tipos de letras y el colgante del avión para la inicial, todo azul y con pequeños detalles en verde manzana en el avión. Para las siluetas eligió el modelo de los búhos, estas van al contrario que las letras, predomina el verde manzana y lleva algo de azul. Tanto con las letras como con las siluetas he utilizado los mismos tonos. Me encantaría saber la receta para hacer post diarios, pero para eso necesitaría por lo menos, ¡¡¡¡ tener ocho brazos con sus manos !!!!! Y llegaría a todo, desde contestar a tiempo todos los mensajes, dedicaros el tiempo que realmente me gustaría, ....... y ¡¡¡ publicar tooodos los días !!! LE PIETRE DI MIRTILLA: FILATI MIRTILLA. Convertidor a PDF online gratuito para convertir documentos a PDF. Making a Ripple Straight. This tutorial is not as detailed as I would like it to be!

Making a Ripple Straight

I did the photos before my baby was born but I’m attempting to write it up during nap time. I hope it makes sense! It is specifically for THIS PATTERN but you can adapt the theory to any ripple pattern. Basically you need to fill the gaps with different height stitches. I used UK terms here. The top and bottom edges of the ripple are different. You make TR stitches in the tops of your decreases, then HTR stitches in the next two stitches, then DC stitches in the next two stitches and then slip stitch across the top of your increases.

This is the bottom edge of the ripple. It’s the same theory – use different height stitches to fill the gaps but because you are working out of the bottom of the stitches it’s a bit more of a bodge job. Then it is a bit different: work ONE TR stitch into the bottom of the increase. That’s the theory for making it straight anyway. And that, my friends, is how I make a ripple to be straight. ScrapBusters: Binky Leash and Bag. Summer seems like the prefect time to pull up some projects that will make the most of all those pretty pieces in your scrap bag, bin or box.

ScrapBusters: Binky Leash and Bag

This week's ScrapBusters Series brings you five great little-bit-o-fabric ideas, starting with today's perfect baby gift bundle of two binkys on their own little leashes and a matching drawstring carry bag. This project is at the very Tip-Top of the Cutie-Pie Ranking & Rave Scale. For those of you unfamiliar with the C.P.R.R.S., a project's ranking consists of the combined number and volume of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhs" generated at baby showers. It's an independent ranking, so don't even try to find it on Google. Our thanks to our pals at Michael Miller Fabrics for originally providing us with this absolutely wonderful Pretty Bird from Pillow & Maxfield. Any Sewing Machine (we recommend the Janome DC2011) Handmade kid chess set {perfect christmas gift!}

La Pantigana: COSEMOS JUNTAS ... UNA CARTERA MONEDERO. Algunas avispadas ya se han fijado en el banner de la cabecera... va, que hoy os cuento un poco cómo va a ir la cosa.


En el banner ponía unas fechas, pero lo adelanto un día para que no coincida con el bolso de Rojo Ababol, que será del 9 al 16 de junio (ella también os lo explica aquí).