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Achieve Your Goals by Focusing on Critical Activities - Stepcas. What are your critical activities? Critical activities are those activities that directly move you towards your goals. Every goal has critical activities. The problem is that most of us spend significant amounts of time doing things that are not critical. Often we convince ourselves that they are something we ‘need’ to do to be successful, but usually they are things that are not critical.

Step #1 – Identify your goals You can’t know what the critical activities are if you don’t first have a clear understanding of what your goals are. Step #2 – List major outcomes needed to achieve your goal For each goal make a list of the outcomes that you need to complete in order reach that goal. Step #3 – Determine the activities needed In this step you need to take your outcomes from step #2 and break them down into all of the activities that are needed to get you to those outcomes. Step #4 – Limit the list to the critical activities Step #5 – Take action on the critical. Welcome to Project Big Bird. How to Set an Appointment With Yourself - When you’re deep inside a jungle, your vision is blocked by the trees. In order to plan a route, you need to break out of the dense forest and see the entire landscape.

Similarly, if you’re thick in the jungle of your own life, you might not be able to see much beyond next week. Setting an appointment with yourself can give you the broader perspective of what you’re doing to help make changes. The problem is that if you don’t structure a personal appointment carefully, it becomes a waste of time. The purpose of an appointment with yourself is to gather information and make plans that go beyond solving the immediate crises of the day.

What Should a Personal Appointment Cover? Your personal appointment should answer several key questions: What are the results I’m getting in the different areas of my life? Unstructured diary entries can give you an idea of your emotional state, but lack the structure necessary to really tackle these questions. Question One: What Are My Results?

Habits. The Ultimate Linux Reference Guide for Newbies. Easy Mac Micro Maniac. Tech Tonic | 25 Essential Open Source Software for Windows. Blog Archive » 10 Linux Shell Tricks You Don't Already Know. Deskload - Your Online Desktop. DataStructures. Unit Testing your User Interface - Testing Digitally. - Where do you get all those cool crazy links from? Optical Mouse cam. Are you using an optical mouse right now? Ever wanted to see your desktop through the eye on the bottom of it? Me neither, I already know I have to clean my desktop :-) People get bored sometimes, and when I get bored I sometimes open up stuff to find out what makes it tick. One time, I did this with an old optical mouse. Well, a mouse only has 2 chips inside: the optical sensor and a chip for the usb/ps2-interfacing.

I looked up the datasheet of the optical sensor (which is an ADNS2610) and it told me the sensor has a tiny 18x18 CCD, which can be read out using the serial port (the one which normally interfaces to the PS2/USB-chip). So I start Visual Basic (I usually do my stuff under Linux, but I'm no star at using anything graphical like QT or GTK, so for this quick'n'dirty project I fell back in my old habits) and hack something up using a few wires to the trusty ole parallel port. As you can see, the mouse was over some text with an 'e' in it. 1 Next » Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.