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Hash Brown Wrapped Eggs. It's been hard for me to switch gears from the whole "Stuffed" concept. It's too late to get this guy into the book, so here it is, Stuffed DVD special features! This is a play on a scotch egg, but also a Peruvian dish called papas rellenas. The key is perfectly soft boiling the eggs so that the yolk stays soft and comes running out when you cut into it. Roast the potatoes until tender. Mix with some flour, salt, herbs, and spices. Just enough flour to bring everything together. Soft boil some eggs using this method. The potato mixture is mashed and ready. With well floured hands and surface, spread out some potato and roll it around your egg. Perfect. Fry em up until browned all around. Just another potato... With a suprise inside! Wait for it... Pop a little sriracha on this thing and it will be the best breakfast you have had in months! ~Apple Pie Cookies!

You know when you bake an Apple Pie, or any fruit pie for that matter, and you get those oozy baked sugar, chewy-ish bits of leaked fruit that gets all caramelized to the crust? They’re kind of hard to explain..I think they need a name, I’m open to suggestions! Watch them being made right >>HERE! Anyway, that’s my absolute favorite part of a fruit pie! How great are those sticky little chewy bites..omgosh?! They’re warm, gooey bits of Pie Heaven and are my inspiration for these cookies. Gone are the days when I have to rudely pick away at a pie just to grab up those nuggets, my Mom will be proud..haha!

Now I can maintain a pretense of manners, since I have my very own caramelly, fruity, chewy & sticky Apple Pie Cookie all to myself! These Apple Pie-like Cookies are made of real Pie Crust layered with sticky Caramel, and a slathering of Apple Pie Filling, topped with a flaky and adorable Cinnamon & Nutmeg lattice crust..HELLO Fall! Seriously the best cookie I’ve ever had! To. 2 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 17 and Baking Bad. August 11, 2013 at 12:37 am They call it cooking meth, but really, it’s a lot more like baking. My dad’s a cook. He’s the kind of person who makes Indian food without a recipe, who can guess every ingredient in a sauce from one taste. The kind of person who opens the fridge, laughs a deep belly laugh, and assures you “there’s a meal in there somewhere.”

He approaches food intuitively, which is why he’s never liked baking—it’s too precise. You can’t throw in a pinch of this, a pinch of that, eyeball a teaspoon of baking powder, and leave it in the oven until it looks done. Walter White would be an incredible baker. Baking relies on precision. I love that different ratios of the same basic ingredients—butter, flour, sugar, eggs—result in a million different desserts. For some cooks, the exactitude of baking stifles their creativity. Maybe that’s why I look forward to the meth cook montages on Breaking Bad. My boyfriend took the first bite. Consider yourself warned. Divide the batter in two.

Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. I love bacon and I love chocolate chip cookies. With this cookie, two of my favourite childhood treats are combined into one salty, chocolate-y cookie for the ultimate indulgence. If these cookies existed when I was a kid I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have eaten anything else. As a child, I was one of those annoyingly picky eaters.

There were very few items I’d actually get excited about. One was bacon. Whenever my mom cooked bacon (rarely) she only let me eat a maximum of two pieces. I could never get enough of that smoky, sweet-salty goodness. Now that I’m an adult and I can eat bacon anytime I want, I don’t indulge as nearly as much as you’d think. I am chocolate-y, I am baconized: I AM BACON CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE! Quick Recipes & Easy Recipe Ideas - Tablespoon. Teeny Tiny Rainbow Cakes Recipe. How to make Sushi. How to make Oreo lasagna. Colin Joliat Oreo lasagna is a perfect alternative to cake, or lasagna, or pretty much any food. It’s easy enough that even I could figure out how to make it. Step your food game up with this dish fit for the internet. I come across a lot of things that make me say, “I should definitely try that.”

Whether it’s a recipe for something ridiculous like Oreo lasagna or a new way to sneak alcohol into a game, there are brilliant ideas floating around on which none of us capitalize. Let the fun begin. Layer 2 is a crazy concoction of cream cheese, milk, sugar, and cool whip. The third layer is where things started to go wrong. The penultimate layer is fancy talk for next-to-last. Finally, just add chocolate chips. Throw the whole thing in the freezer for an hour, have a few cocktails, and in no time you’re ready for the finest Oreo lasagna the internet has to offer.

The one question you’ll probably have is, “What aisle is Cool Whip in?” DIRECTIONS 1.