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The Language of the State of the Union. We invite you to explore these speeches.

The Language of the State of the Union

Click on any individual word and observe how frequently each president employed it. Sort by DATE to see how the word’s use has evolved over time, and by DENSITY to rank the presidents by their propensity to use that particular word. Click on any of the colored bars to summon a list of all the times that the corresponding president used the word in a State of the Union address. Then scroll down below the graph and see how our team of historians interprets what this chart reveals, and what it may conceal. FREEDOM: Perhaps the defining value of American society, the word is surprisingly rare in the nation's first century. PUBLIC: It was among the most common words in the earliest State of the Union addresses, reflecting the language of self-government in the early republic.

CHILDREN: Children and families make few appearances in these speeches before the 20th century. WAR: For all the variation in these speeches, war is depressingly ubiquitous. Logique mathématique. Lexique de la rhétorique. Nos et nous-mêmes stockons et/ou accédons à des informations stockées sur un terminal, telles que les cookies, et traitons les données personnelles, telles que les identifiants uniques et les informations standards envoyées par chaque terminal pour diffuser des publicités et du contenu personnalisés, mesurer les performances des publicités et du contenu, obtenir des données d'audience, et développer et améliorer les produits.

Lexique de la rhétorique

Avec votre permission, nos partenaires et nous-mêmes pouvons utiliser des données de géolocalisation précises et d’identification par analyse du terminal. En cliquant, vous pouvez consentir aux traitements décrits précédemment. Liste des figures de style. Soi-même comme un autre. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Soi-même comme un autre

Soi-même comme un autre est un ouvrage du philosophe Paul Ricoeur paru au Seuil en 1990. Constatant la disparition de l'ego de l'idéalisme de Descartes ou Kant, il s'efforce de refonder l'ego, le Soi-même, mais désormais en référence permanente à l'Autre. « l'Autre n'est pas seulement la contrepartie du Même, mais appartient à la constitution intime de son sens » (p380). Paul Ricoeur fait dialoguer de multiples traditions de pensées (Philosophie de l'action, narratologie, philosophie analytique, phénoménologie, psychanalyse...) et de multiples philosophes; son œuvre constitue un bon exemple des constructions philosophiques de la fin du XXe siècle, refusant de s'arrêter à une interprétation définitive et préférant intégrer largement les philosophes "autres" dans une "méthode fragmentaire qui a constamment été la nôtre" (p345).

Résumé[modifier | modifier le code] Première étude. Deuxième étude. Troisième étude. Quatrième étude. Cinquième étude. Plot twist. The Art of Complex Problem Solving. 10 More Common Faults in Human Thought. Humans This list is a follow up to Top 10 Common Faults in Human Thought.

10 More Common Faults in Human Thought

Thanks for everyone’s comments and feedback; you have inspired this second list! It is amazing that with all these biases, people are able to actually have a rational thought every now and then. There is no end to the mistakes we make when we process information, so here are 10 more common errors to be aware of. The confirmation bias is the tendency to look for or interpret information in a way that confirms beliefs. The Availability heuristic is gauging what is more likely based on vivid memories. Illusion of Control is the tendency for individuals to believe they can control or at least influence outcomes that they clearly have no influence on. Interesting Fact: when playing craps in a casino, people will throw the dice hard when they need a high number and soft when they need a low number. The Planning fallacy is the tendency to underestimate the time needed to complete tasks.

‎ 10 Psychological Studies That Will Change What You Think You Know About Yourself. Why do we do the things we do?

10 Psychological Studies That Will Change What You Think You Know About Yourself

Despite our best attempts to "know thyself," the truth is that we often know astonishingly little about our own minds, and even less about the way others think. As Charles Dickens once put it, “A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” Psychologists have long sought insights into how we perceive the world and what motivates our behavior, and they've made enormous strides in lifting that veil of mystery.

Aside from providing fodder for stimulating cocktail-party conversations, some of the most famous psychological experiments of the past century reveal universal and often surprising truths about human nature. Here are 10 classic psychological studies that may change the way you understand yourself. We all have some capacity for evil. The Adventures of Fallacy Man. The Adventures of Fallacy Man It's a good thing Fallacy Man didn't think of responding with 'Fallacy Fallacy' back, or they would have gotten into an infinite regress of logic and reason Permanent Link to this Comic: Support the comic on Patreon.

The Adventures of Fallacy Man

Unreliable narrator. An unreliable narrator is a narrator, whether in literature, film, or theatre, whose credibility has been seriously compromised.[1] The term was coined in 1961 by Wayne C.

Unreliable narrator

Booth in The Rhetoric of Fiction.[1][2] While unreliable narrators are almost by definition first-person narrators, arguments have been made for the existence of unreliable second- and third-person narrators, especially within the context of film and televison. An exception is an event that did not or could not happen, told within the fictionalized historical novels, speculative fiction, or clearly delineated dream sequences.

Narrators describing them are not considered unreliable. Anagnorisis. Tragedy[edit] "Lear and Cordelia" by Ford Madox Brown: Lear, driven out by his older daughter and rescued by his youngest, realizes their true characters.


In the Aristotelian definition of tragedy, it was the discovery of one's own identity or true character (e.g. Cordelia, Edgar, Edmund, etc. in Shakespeare's King Lear) or of someone else's identity or true nature (e.g. Verbal Aikido – Using empathy to disarm agressiveness. By Luke A.

Verbal Aikido – Using empathy to disarm agressiveness

Archer Verbal Aikido is a style of conflict transformation and resolution that involves treating the 'attacker' as a partner rather than an adversary. It may sound counter-intuitive at first, but protecting both yourself and the other is fundamental for the preservation of a balanced relationship - in the words of the founder: 'If you seek to dominate, you've already lost'! But what's often suprising is how effective the use of empathy is in disarming verbal attacks and reaching a positive emotional result in an exchange. If you're already familiar with Aikido you may already know that the physical approach simply demonstrates what is possible on so many other levels – emotional, intellectual, verbal and so on.

In the peace education training specifically designed to transform verbal attacks, as developped by author and trainer Luke Archer, the 'art' is simplfied into three steps, making it easy for even children to grasp and use in everyday life: Science Of Persuasion 1280x720 Master. Les secrets d'un mentaliste : comment décrypter les techniques du mensonge et de la manipulation. C’est autour d’Alex du blog Des Mentors Pour Entreprendre de nous proposer le résumé d’un livre très particulier : « Les secrets d’un mentaliste.

Les secrets d'un mentaliste : comment décrypter les techniques du mensonge et de la manipulation

Comment décrypter les techniques du mensonge et de la manipulation » Vous y trouverez des notions et outils de psychologies avancées. Vous connaissez certainement les séries TV : Le mentaliste et Lie To me. Auteur du blog Des Mentors Pour Entreprendre, je m’intéresse particulièrement aux sujets liés à la psychologie cognitive et aux techniques d’influences. Le monde change, mais la constante humaine d’induire son prochain pour de multiples raisons, bonnes ou mauvaises, est bien vivante. Dans son livre, John Bastardi Daumont, nous livre de nombreuses techniques jusqu’ici réservées à une minorité de personne. L’homme a toujours eu besoin de symboles pour conforter son attention : habits, décorations, atmosphère, son, etc,., et prise en charge par son inconscient. Rhetological Fallacies. Petit recueil de 18 moisissures argumentatives pour concours de mauvaise foi.

Petit recueil de non plus 18, mais 20 moisissures argumentatives à utiliser sans modération lors des concours de mauvaise foi. Ont été intégrés les plurium et l’argument de l’exotisme. Nous avons découpé ces moisissures argumentatives en trois grandes catégories : les erreurs logiques, les attaques, et les travestissements. Télécharger en pdf la mise en page magnifique du graphiste Francois-b. 1. Broch-argutocs-20080217-web-a5livre.pdf. L'Art d'avoir toujours raison. Medical Reviews of House. House - everybody lies - s01e21.mp4.