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Fiche_pedagogique.pdf. Bai7.jpg (JPEG Image, 1215 × 2953 pixels) - Scaled (33%) 1225-infographie.jpg (JPEG Image, 2000 × 2419 pixels) - Scaled (41%) T E C H N I Q U E    D E S    P L A T E A U X. (en détail) Derrière toute peur, il y a un désir.

T E C H N I Q U E    D E S    P L A T E A U X

Jacques Salomé (merci à Sylvie) © Baudouin Labrique Rassurez-vous : je ne vais pas vous demander de vous exercer à tenir un plateau en mains dans l'optique de participer à quelque course de garçons de café ! "Merci de m'avoir fait connaître cette technique qui est assez extraordinaire et très efficace ! " Pour consulter d'autres fiches de ce type, cliquez sur " Il arrive assez souvent que la solution désirée nous vienne après un temps de désintéressement du problème. " « Notre peur la plus profonde est que nous sommes puissants au-delà de toute limite. » Nelson Mandela Il s'agit d'une "technique" à utiliser quand vous avez peur, que vous doutez, que vous ne dormez pas, ou que vous ne savez pas comment pouvoir régler un problème quel qu'il soit ou encore quand vous être triste, dépressif et que vous voulez en sortir rapidement, cette technique peut vous aider.

N.B. Dans les 2 cas, faites votre RITUEL qui suit selon vos propres choix, soyez créatifs : 1. PsiTalent. Site web de Franz Erdl.


METANOIA-WORLD. The human mind is never able to frame a correct picture of the state of its knowledge even a few decades ahead.


The top intellects of the late 1800’s could never have imagined the state of knowledge of the intellects alive now. Similarly, the latter can never correctly visualize the mind of those living in the latter part of the twenty-first centruy. 10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World. Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda influenced Tesla’s work, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Tesla was also influenced by other Vedic philosophies. Science works best when in harmony with nature. Au-Delà De Notre Vue - Documentaire (52') Nicolai Levashov. We all live at a very interesting time when pseudo-scientific modern conceptions cannot conceal the ignorance hidden behind them.

Nicolai Levashov

What ignorance, – someone may exclaim surprisingly, – it is impossible to talk about any kind of ignorance when our world is practically "overloaded" with the information of new discoveries, phenomena, hypotheses and theories and their practical realization. First of all, let us define, what the terms "information" and "knowledge" mean. A lot of people believe there is no difference between them. Apparent likeness of these two concepts may delude, but if we take a little time to think about these two words, as well as many other words used daily, we will be amazed. We forget that each word has its own distinct meaning as well as its own sound. Information is a message about events happening around and inside us received through the organs of sense. Une âme peut être incarnée dans plusieurs extensions de personnalité. Et si nous étions plusieurs ayant la même âme ?

Une âme peut être incarnée dans plusieurs extensions de personnalité.

Mysterious People Who Appeared from Nowhere. Bizarre Cases of People Who Spontaneously Ceased to Exist. Mysterious disappearances aren’t new.

Bizarre Cases of People Who Spontaneously Ceased to Exist

For whatever reasons, some people just seem to vanish without a trace, never to be seen again. Yet, as bizarre as these cases may be, there seems to be an even stranger type of disappearance out there; people who vanish in full view of others, under circumstances where it seems impossible that they could have even gone far, let alone totally disappeared. Mental patient in a psychotic state drew this just before he took his own life. There is so much fear in this drawing. Integrating Inner Identities. Due to disruptive nature of society, it's probably the case that with most, the lower self is separated from higher spiritual awareness at a pretty early age.

Integrating Inner Identities

Whether it be the programmed and conditioning behaviours of our parents, excito-toxins in our food or the electro-smog of modern day gadgetry, effectively the soul is fragmented into the bodymind and a barrier inserted to higher dimensional beingness. Our divine birth right is truncated. Combating psychic attack. Energy Implants and how to remove them. The healing of humanity Increasingly people within spiritual circles are becoming aware of, and speaking out about, "energetic implants" in our energy fields.

Energy Implants and how to remove them

Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, human beings. They've been used as a tool by Opposing Consciousness in the 'dumbing-down' of humanity. It's a subject that needs to be elevated into the group consciousness more generally if we are to catalyse and accelerate our further evolution, that we can heal humanity. 9 Methods for Dealing with Psychic Energy Attack in Your Field.

By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World There’s a high degree of psychic energy attack going on in the field right now.

9 Methods for Dealing with Psychic Energy Attack in Your Field

A Healing Edge. Spirit Attachment and Health. Spirit Removal & Shamanic Healing. Angels & Spirit Guides, Psychic Medium Discerning Spirit Attachments and Hauntings Earthbound Spirit Release. By Lawrence Wilson, MD. By Lawrence Wilson, MD © October 2013, The Center For Development Soul attachment and release is a topic that is not discussed much. Depossession Healing: A Comparison of William Baldwin's "Spirit Releasement Therapy" and Dae Mo Nim's Ancestor Liberation - Kerry Pobanz.

Kerry PobanzJournal of Unification Studies Vol. 9, 2008 Dr. Interhomeopathy - Visited by demons: a case of Mancinella. J. is a young man who I saw for the first time in 2003, when he was 26 years old. He had recurring complaints: pain and tension in his back, a loss of sensitivity in his left hand on waking, and especially a general feeling of malaise, which increased in the course of years with the responsibilities that he took on. But right from the beginning the tone is set: J: “When I was about 17, I became depressed. People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do. Nov 22, 2012 by MICHAEL FORRESTER People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants.

How People Steal Your Power, Energy and Soul. Mind Parasites, Energy Parasites and Vampires. By Jonathan Zap from Alignment2012 Website Spanish version The Sick Rose O rose thou art sick. The invisible worm. Population affected or possessed by ghosts. Please note we have used ‘negative energies’ as a collective noun to represent various types of subtle entities (of different spiritual strength) that have an intention to harm individuals and society. 1 Percentage of the world population affected by ghosts The world’s population in the year 2013 is estimated to be 7.1 billion (Ref:

The population of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in the current era is ten times more than humans. As the population of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) out-number the population of humankind to such a large extent, they adversely affect a large proportion of the world’s population in the current era. What do we mean by drawings based on subtle-knowledge? Abstract: Drawings based on subtle-knowledge are an important tool in Spiritual research.

Kosta Danaos – Nei Kung, les enseignements secrets des sages guerriers – Résumé/Commentaire. (Résumé par Jsf) Transmuting and Integrating Negative Energy. Lecture des éléments - Psychométrie - Psychopathotactie. ‎ Science, Not Superstition: Dragons, Dragon Art, and Dragon Lore in Japan, Buddhism & Shintoism Photo Dictionary. Much has been made of these distinguishing characteristics among Asian dragons.

Anime Moon [NOTE: All posts may contain SPOILERS]: Psycho-Pass Episode 5 Analysis. Plot Summary: The MWPSB discover that Spooky Boogie became victim to the same hijacker that took over Talisman. GE 999 ep 011: Maetel’s Body in Dialectical Motion « Kritik der Animationskraft. Staff Picks. GC4FP23 Le Poil (Traditional Cache) in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France created by Pailloux. REAL PLUTONIUM (new) "Cranky Old Man" by Mak Filiser. Étude : La mort, 1ère cause de décès chez les Français de tous âges. [SPOILER] On va tous mourir. Devastated Young Man Posts Online After Friend's Death, Then Old Man Comments With Beautiful Advice. - InspireMore. What to Say to Someone Who's Dying. Advice for someone who is dying. Ask A Physicist To Speak At Your Funeral. La Source des Thérapies - Prière Indienne. Words of Comfort - DOC. 10 Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years.

Il demande à cette dame ce qu'elle fait seule en croisière, sa réponse le laisse sans mots... - Images - Images drôles et insolites. The Burning House. These 7 Children Were Abandoned By Their Families And Raised By Animals. The Human Marvels. Welcome to Thema « Loup des steppes  (fin – 9/9) – Hermann Hesse. Thema « Loup des steppes  (8/9) – Hermann Hesse.


Pluto. 紫龍.