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Written Chinese. To study this list of Chinese words and phases later, just download your Feeling Angry?

Written Chinese

Learn How to Insult Someone in Chinese PDF You’ve made friends, maybe you’ve even gone on a date or two. Now it’s time to have your first big fight in Chinese! Of course, I’m not condoning violence or being nasty in general, but sometimes you just need to blow off some steam and say what you really think. Enjoy another of our no-frills vocabulary lists, all for venting anger and (eventually) making-up. Warming Up 我讨厌你。 我要杀了你! 你太过分了。 闭嘴! 别说了。 听我说。 滚出去。 我生气了。 气死我了! 冷静一点! 你干什么?! 你说完了没有? 不关你的事! 该死! 别再抱怨了! 别闹了。 活该! 别管我! 别烦我了! 饶了我! 唠叨 (láo dao) to nag 客气点! 吵死人了! 算了吧! 你算老几? Name-Calling 马不知脸长, 猴子不指屁股红。 你是个。。。 你才是个。。。 笨蛋 (bèn dàn) Stupid 装蒜 (zhuāng suàn) to play dumb 疯子 (fēng zi) Crazy person 你疯了吗? 神经病 (shén jīng bìng) Head-case 你有毛病吗? 你有病吗? 有毛病。 不正常 (bú zhèng cháng) Not normal. 做白日梦 (zuò bái rì mèng) Day dreaming 发呆 (fā dāi) blank stare 奇怪。

莫名其妙。 色狼 (sè láng) lecherous 猪 (zhū) Pig 白痴 (bái chī) Moron 短路 (duǎn lù) ’short circuit’ 吝啬 (lìn sè) Stingy. Index of Fables. Stifled Laughter: How the Communist Party Killed Chinese Humor. Beyond the surface resemblance there are differences.

Stifled Laughter: How the Communist Party Killed Chinese Humor

While American stand-up comedians tend to work solo, in China the two-person format is the dominant one (perhaps reflecting the cultural tendency toward collectivism vs. the American cult of the individual). Crosstalk performers tend to be somewhat more formal and “stagey” in their delivery than their American counterparts. But the major difference lies in the overall structure of the performance. An American stand-up comedy routine tends to consist of a string of jokes loosely strung together, with the performer flitting from topic to topic with throwaway lines as perfunctory segues from one subject to the next.

In contrast, a crosstalk piece is always a coherent, self-contained routine with a fixed narrative or unifying main premise. Crosstalk used to be phenomenally popular in China. However, there is now widespread consensus that the art form has drastically declined in quality over the last few decades. Then came 1949. Cantonese Proverbs in One Picture. 阿塗(Ah To), a graphic designer and part-time cartoonist who concerns about the survival of Cantonese in Canton and Hong Kong, has just published a comic called ” The Great Canton and Hong Kong Proverbs” on Hong Kong independent media “Passion Times“. The cartoon contains illustrations of 81 Cantonese proverbs. “The Great Canton and Hong Kong Proverbs” In 1559, Dutch artist Pieter Bruegel created the oil painting “Netherlandish Proverbs” which illustrates many Dutch proverbs to praise the Dutch culture.

In 2014, Ah To imitated the idea and created “Great Canton and Hong Kong proverbs” illustrating 81 Cantonese proverbs to propagate the Cantonese culture and defend Cantonese. 81 Cantonese Proverbs (The 2 extra proverbs are the bonus given by the author. Update: Ah To said that he will consider releasing the picture as poster. Like this: Like Loading... Dictionnaire de Chengyu - français chinois. Thinking Chinese - Language Center - Learn Chinese as it is spoken today.