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Classical Astrology

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Skyscript: Deborah Houlding's Astrology Pages. Astrology links. Zoidiasoft Technologies Astrology Software. Astrology. Astrology is really old, as old as recorded history.


Some of the earliest examples of writing, on 4000 year old clay tablets, contain astrological data and interpretations. The popularity of astrology has been variable over time, alternately valued, cursed and ridiculed, yet it has never been totally ignored. The science of astrology, practiced by the wisest, most respected scientists of all ages in history, bears no resemblance to the astrology columns seen in the popular press. For the skeptics, look at astrology as an important part of human history. Regardless of your "belief", throughout history, the astrologer's report was an essential part of any strategy for war or civil decision making. Astrology is by definition "what is said by the stars". Astrology at The Academie focuses on traditional methods. The modern use of traditional methods in modern times is young.

"Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial objects and earthly events. " Renaissance Astrology Christopher Warnock Horary Astrology Electional Astrology Astrological Magic Traditional Astrology. Benjamin Dykes, Traditional Astrologer. Plan du site Astrologie traditionnelle. Understanding Planetary Dignity and Debility - Part 5: Assessing Dignity/Debility through point-scoring. Back to part 4 Throughout the ages, astrologers have sought a reliable method of evaluating planetary strengths by assigning numerical scores based upon certain dignifying or debilitating factors.

The 11th century Arabic astrologer, Al-Biruni, mentions that this was common practice amongst the Babylonians and Persians, who compared the totals of each planet in order to discover which was most eminent in the chart. This was then known as the Almuten (from the Arabic: al-mateen, meaning 'the firm one' or 'strong in power'), or Lord of the Geniture (or Nativity), and given particular consideration for its powerful influence in defining the temperament and observable traits of the native. Understanding Planetary Dignity and Debility - Part 4: Essential Debilities. Back to part 3 Peregrine A Planet is then said to be Peregrine, when he is in the degrees of any Sign wherein he hath no essential dignity, As Saturn in the tenth degree of Aries, that Sign being not his House, Exaltation, or of his Triplicity, or he having in that degree neither Term or Face, he is then said to be Peregrine; had he been in 27, 28, &c. of Aries, he could not be termed Peregrine, because then he is in his own Term.

Understanding Planetary Dignity and Debility - Part 4: Essential Debilities

(Lilly, CA, p.112) Just as essential dignity signifies strength and a capacity for beneficial action, lack of it implies weakness or a harmful disposition. A planet with no essential dignity is called Peregrine, a Latin word meaning 'alien' or 'foreigner' (pereger = beyond the borders, ager = land, i.e., 'beyond one's own land'). In symbolic terms, a peregrine planet describes a drifter - someone with no title or stake in his or her environment. Property owners tend to view drifters with suspicion, and distrust their lack of stability. Detriment and Fall. Understanding Planetary Dignity and Debility - Part 3: The Use of Dignity in Judgement. Back to part 2 Throughout history, astrologers have used allegorical examples of territory ownership to illustrate the meaning of dignity in judgement.

Although this may seem naive and unsophisticated to modern students, the technique of demonstrating interpretations via images we can conjure in our minds is an extremely effective way of communicating essential principles. The technique will be followed here by reference to historical examples. Dignity Rulership by Sign Each classification of dignity, from sign down to face, represents a section of zodiacal territory that is said to belong to one of the planets. In symbolic application, a planet is in its strongest position when it is in its own home. …represents a man in such a condition, as that he is Lord of his own house, estate and fortune; or a man wanting very little of the Goods of this world, or it tells you the man is in a very happy state or condition.... Dignity Rulership by Exaltation. Understanding Planetary Dignity and Debility - Part 2: Understanding Ptolemys Table of Essential Dignities. How to read Ptolemy's table of Essential Dignities The first column of the table indicates the signs of the zodiac.

The second column shows the traditional rulers of the signs. It is headed 'house' because ancient terminology referred to the signs that the planets ruled as being their natural 'houses' or 'homes'. Apart from the Sun and Moon, each of the planets rules one sign by diurnal expression (D) and one by nocturnal expression (N). Hence Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio, but in Aries, its diurnal rulership, its energies are expressed more openly and directly; in Scorpio (its nocturnal rulership), its energies are more introverted and unconsciously driven.