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Random Designs. Futuristic kitchens from Ikea « Here at BK, we love telling you about the latest trends in kitchen design. But thanks to Ikea and The Future Laboratory, I think we might just be able to excel ourselves by treating you to these schemes predicted 30 years’ ahead of time. My favourite, the Elementra is filled with recycled and reclaimed materials with eco-generated energy supplies, natural refrigeration with sand and plants used to filter water. There are even spaces to grow your own food, making it a real kitchen garden. Elementra kitchen Next up is a gagdet-lovers’ design, the Skarp. Skarp kitchen Lastly, but by no means least, is the Intuitiv kitchen. Intuitiv kitchen So now you’ve seen the future, which one’s your favourite? Rachel. Kuchnia w 2040 roku - Wnętrza w Czego brak oso­bie, która ma kilka domów, ko­cha­nek, sa­mo­cho­dów i pry­wat­ny od­rzu­to­wiec?

Przy­da jej się akwa­rium za 200 ty­się­cy do­la­rów w miesz­ka­niu na Man­hat­ta­nie! Lo­dów­ka, na któ­rej obej­rzy­my film ze wska­zów­ka­mi Ni­gel­li, jak ugo­to­wać gu­lasz; krany z funk­cją mul­ti­to­uch; pilot do ku­chen­ki elek­trycz­nej - to jesz­cze nie wszyst­ko. Ikea za­pro­jek­to­wa­ła kuch­nię przy­szło­ści "SKARP" na pod­sta­wie 2 ty­się­cy kwe­stio­na­riu­szy. Re­spon­den­ci mieli opi­sać, jak wy­obra­ża­ją sobie kuch­nię za 30 lat. Oto ich po­my­sły (nu­me­ry od­po­wia­da­ją ele­men­tom ob­raz­ka): 1.) Je­dze­nie ro­śnie na pół­kach bez uży­cia gleby. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) Obec­nie dys­po­nu­je­my tech­no­lo­gią po­trzeb­ną do stwo­rze­nia wszyst­kich tych "fu­tu­ry­stycz­nych" ele­men­tów. YouTube Play: Live from the Guggenheim. October 18, 2010 Join us via live stream on October 21 from 8–9:30 pm (EDT) as the jury’s top choices from the YouTube Play. A Biennial of Creative Video shortlist are announced during a special event at the Guggenheim Museum.

The event will feature profiles of the video makers as well as live performances celebrating these outstanding talents. Developed by YouTube and the Guggenheim Museum in collaboration with HP and Intel, YouTube Play was inaugurated in 2010 to recognize the ever-expanding realm of online video and to discover its most remarkable practitioners. Hosted by comedian and actor/director Michael Showalter, the event includes performances by the Grammy Award-winning rock band OK Go; the musician, producer, and video artist Kutiman; dance troupe LXD; musician and songwriter Megan Washington; and the San Francisco artist known for his audio and video mash-ups, Mike Relm.

YouTube Play. New Food and Packaging. MINDSTORMS : Home. Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News.