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Smile. Image (JPEG Image, 320 × 225 pixels) Cute. Doh! No country for poor men. LoveIt. Seems Legit (14 Pics) Funny Philosophy Quotes. Master mind. Funny things. 1673 1077 1780 965 3086 1818 774 1247 553 1199 605 2590 1246 2678 4475 3256 4001 639 248 3310 554 1610 2713 5007 582 748 228 1391 1176 5026 1279 2777 2716 650 2115 226 614 738 46 37 186 554 256 31 311 544 78 4466 1053 1288 5127 2454 1187 199 906 4983 802 1193 349 2966 373 3616 317 2152 1566 1866 1394 983 1459 1094 624 488 1947 354 926 1950 568 504 2567 1871 1548 1029 241 1071 2166 2189 1200 2706 3218 453 344 1006 595 1394 130.

funny things

Random memes. How books work. This generation.

How books work.

SCORE 195 You're one in a million. SCORE 151 Seven hours. SCORE 453 Yawning. Kids. I could use one of these. Panda sushi rolls. How are you even calm right now?! Live life like a tree.


Fix options. Humor. - this one time i got so hammered i woke up 3 days later i. Spying on the Surveillance Van. People-sideways.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x688 pixels) Thursday Humor. Pickup Line Scientist meme. Crafts. Mountains of Books Become Mountains. I thought I’d seen every type of book carving imaginable, until I ran across these jaw dropping creations by Guy Laramee.

Mountains of Books Become Mountains

His works are so sculptural, so movingly natural in their form, they’ve really touched me. His works are inspired by a fascination with so-called progress in society: a thinking which says the book is dead, libraries are obsolete and technology is the only way of the future. His thoughts: “One might say: so what? Do we really believe that “new technologies” will change anything concerning our existential dilemma, our human condition? See Also INCREDIBLE 3D ILLUSTRATIONS JUMP OUT OF THE SKETCHBOOK Carving into the discarded stacks of books, he has created fantastic, romantic landscapes which remind us that though our fascinations and the value we put on different ideas have changed, we as a species have not evolved that much. “Mountains of disused knowledge return to what they really are: mountains.

See more of his beautifully meditative works at QDB: Search Results. 2011-07-15-f350e5c.png (PNG Image, 800 × 600 pixels) Untitled. Random fact cats - In the middle ages, cats were considered to be in league with the devil and were killed in masses. The corresponding rise in the local rodent population helped spread the bubonic plague. My Daughter Is Going To SMOKE The Talent Competition. Psychoactive Humor Vaults : Water FAQ. When A Girlfriend Says 'Nothing' TheWAREHOUSE_comic_073.jpg (JPEG Image, 520 × 430 pixels) 2012-04-27Sleep_Kama_Sutra.png (PNG Image, 630 × 815 pixels) Perfect Man/Woman. Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met.

Perfect Man/Woman

After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding. Their life together was, of course, perfect. One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their perfect car along a winding road, when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress. Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help. There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Soon they were driving along delivering the toys. Unfortunately, the driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa Claus had an accident. Only one of them survived the accident. Question: Who was the survivor? (Scroll down for the answer. Answer: The perfect woman survived. **** Women stop reading here, that is the end of the joke. **** Men keep scrolling. So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the woman must have been driving.

By the way, if you're a woman and you're still reading, this illustrates another point: Women never listen. Animal Footprint Shoes Throw Off City Dwellers. Poor guy welcome to the friendship zone.