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Atteinte d'un cancer, cette maman laisse des dizaines de lettres pour sa fille de 4 ans. ETATS-UNIS Les lettres accompagneront les moments clés de la vie de sa fille... 20 Minutes avec agence. These Adorable Illustrations Remind Us That Love Is In The Little Things. Huffingtonpost. CBC News - Syrian refugee family's tearful reunion. Huffingtonpost. Huffingtonpost. Ils ont demandé à 6 inconnus de parler dans le noir. Et puis, les lumières se sont allumées... Nous jugeons naturellement les autres par leur apparence, qu'on le veuille ou non.

Ils ont demandé à 6 inconnus de parler dans le noir. Et puis, les lumières se sont allumées...

Ainsi, en 7 secondes, nous formons déjà une idée préconçue de ce qu'est une autre personne, simplement en nous basant sur son apparence externe. Ce préjugé initial est par la suite très difficile à modifier... La célèbre marque de boissons Coca-Cola s'est livrée à une petite expérience sociale, très intéressante. Pour le coup, voilà une publicité qui mérite qu'on s'y intéresse, parce que le message est fort et que l'expérience est vraiment troublante et émouvante. On vous laisse regarder... Cette vidéo fait partie d'une campagne menée au Moyen-Orient, pour diffuser un message de tolérance et d'ouverture pendant la période du Ramadan. Selon l'agence FP7, responsable de cette campagne, « Au Moyen-Orient, plus de 200 nationalités coexistent et presque autant d’étiquettes y sont associées, ce qui divise toujours plus les gens. [...]

Bright Side. Malia et Sasha, les filles Obama, pouffent de rire à toutes les blagues de leur père. Le libraire de Salah Abdeslam a un message pour lui. - Une petite Irakienne nous raconte son... Bruxelles je t'aime ! - Hep Taxi ! - RTBF. For 1 Month, This Husband Wrote Down Everything That Made His Wife Cry. Caméra cachée #11 - Harcèlement en milieu scolaire. Ce babyphone a enregistré un bébé en train de chanter Star Wars (et c'est trop mignon) ENFANTS - A un mois à peine de la sortie du septième volet de la saga, la folie Star Wars envahit le monde entier.

Ce babyphone a enregistré un bébé en train de chanter Star Wars (et c'est trop mignon)

Des milliers de fans qui ont grandi avec Luke Skywalker attendent impatiemment son retour (sujet à toutes sortes de rumeurs) et visiblement, certains ont transmis le gène à leurs descendants. 18 realistic family photos. Because we know parenting isn't picture-perfect. Family photographer Danielle Guenther gets the struggle that is parenting.

18 realistic family photos. Because we know parenting isn't picture-perfect.

As a mom herself, she lives and loves the daily grind. Sure, she relishes those occasional picture-perfect moments, but she also relates to those very real moments her clients experience before, during, and after she takes family photos. Atteint d'un cancer, ce fan américain a pu voir le dernier Star Wars. Daniel Fleetwood vient de réaliser son rêve : il pu visionner le dernier Star Wars.

Atteint d'un cancer, ce fan américain a pu voir le dernier Star Wars

Huffingtonpost. 17 photos of adorable kids who were born prematurely, now holding their own baby pictures. Every single day, babies across the world are born prematurely, which means that they're born before 37 weeks of gestation.

17 photos of adorable kids who were born prematurely, now holding their own baby pictures.

In Canada, about 29,000 infants are born prematurely each year, roughly 1 in every 13. Huffingtonpost. Huffingtonpost. A mom's post about a Halloween costume is going viral on Facebook. Thank you, Target! Jen Kroll got pretty excited when she saw a recent Target ad.

A mom's post about a Halloween costume is going viral on Facebook. Thank you, Target!

No, it wasn't because of the "buy one, get one half off" sweater deal. It wasn't even because flannel sheets were 15% off. Nope, not at all. (Though, flannel sheets do sound nice...) Here's what made her week: a photo of an Elsa Halloween costume. DeLorean. Autre chose - Photos du journal. Codes de Meufs. Lettre de Frida Kahlo à Diego Rivera : « Ma nuit te cherche sans cesse.

Ma nuit est comme un grand cœur qui bat.

Lettre de Frida Kahlo à Diego Rivera : « Ma nuit te cherche sans cesse.

Polyamour : 3 femmes se marient légalement au Brésil. Une femme d’affaires, une dentiste de 32 ans et une gérante administrative de 34 ans viennent de remettre en cause le modèle parental brésilien et plus généralement de la famille traditionnelle en officialisant légalement leur relation.

Polyamour : 3 femmes se marient légalement au Brésil

Stylish Eve. İ - Süper Babalar Süper Şeyler Yaparlar. She Sees A Homeless Man Every Day, Then He Hands Her A Piece Of Paper... For 35 years, an old homeless man spent his days writing beautiful poems and short stories, unseen by the world around him.

She Sees A Homeless Man Every Day, Then He Hands Her A Piece Of Paper...

“The Conditioned” is a critically acclaimed documentary that follows the remarkable journey of this 77-year-old Brazilian poet and philosopher. Day after day, Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho sat outside in his makeshift shelter, writing, writing, writing. Huffingtonpost. The Lion Tattoo Studio. A bride's father schools us all in the meaning of family when he shocks the stepdad at the wedding.

"Just because you didn't do marriage well doesn't mean you can't do divorce fabulously.

A bride's father schools us all in the meaning of family when he shocks the stepdad at the wedding.

" That's something my mother-in-law said to me when her son and I were ending our young, impetuous, and ultimately-not-right-for-us marriage. It stuck with me through the years. At Upworthy, we tell stories for a better world.Like us on Facebook to get them first: These sweet images from Brittany Peck's Saturday wedding have struck a chord with families across the Internet, and they seem to be getting that very same lesson about "doing divorce well" through to millions.

Bride Will Be the 11th Woman in Her Family to Wear 120-Year-Old Heirloom Wedding Dress. When it came to finding "something old" to wear to her wedding, Pennsylvania native Abigail Kingston didn't have to look beyond her family tree. The 30-year-old bride-to-be knew she wanted to be married in her family's special heirloom—a 120-year-old wedding dress that has been worn by 10 women in her family, including her own mother. The two-piece Victorian gown was first worn by Kingston's great-great-grandmother in 1895, and has been passed down from family member to family member ever since.

Huffingtonpost. Teacher Shares Heartbreaking Notes From Students Scary Mommy. A Colorado teacher who felt she was struggling to understand the reality of her students’ lives thought of an assignment this week. Kyle Schwartz had her third grade students complete the following sentence, I wish my teacher knew… Huffingtonpost. Huffingtonpost. Huffingtonpost. PHOTO. "Le papa au parapluie" qui protège son fils et se laisse tremper par la pluie fait fondre les internautes. RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX - Etre parent, c'est faire preuve de beaucoup d'abnégation, notamment en faisant passer ses enfants avant soi.

Cette photo d'un papa, qui préfère se mouiller sous la pluie afin d'abriter son fils sous le parapluie, en est l'illustration parfaite. Le cliché publié sur Imgur a très vite fait sensation auprès des internautes. Et pour cause, il incarne le vrai amour paternel qui se dévoile dans un banal instant d'un quotidien pluvieux. Alors qu'il pleut, l'homme tient le parapluie au dessus de son petit garçon portant un sac à dos, même si cela implique qu'il n'est, lui, pas à l'abri des gouttes, comme le montre sa chemise. L'image intitulée, "Les papas", a très vite atteint les 3 millions de vues peu de temps après sa publication, le 12 septembre. Selon NBC News, la photo aurait été prise par un certain Eumine Choi connu sous le pseudo "Mystarbucknameismike", à Flushing dans le Queens (New-York).

Eumine Choi a d'ailleurs ajouté en commentaire "Qu'est-ce que l'amour? CNN iReport - Great white shark stranded on beach. 17:30 SAT.1 NRW. HLN. Huffingtonpost. Une madmoiZelle échange (en BD) avec sa sœur trisomique. My Husband Was Named in the Ashley Madison Hack  When I heard about the Ashley Madison hack, my heart sank. Not because any of my information would be released -- but because I knew my husband's would. Several years ago, my husband created an Ashley Madison account behind my back.

When he finally told me about it, I wasn't angry. I was sad. I was sad for him, me, and for us. Huffingtonpost. Le cliché de ce réfugié syrien déclenche un élan de solidarité mondial. Ce cliché d’Abdul, un réfugié syrien essayant de vendre des stylos dans les rues de Beyrouth avec sa fillette endormie sur l’épaule, a tellement ému les internautes de par le monde, qu’il a permis de récolter plus de 100 000 euros en deux jours via une campagne de financement participatif (crowdfunding). Huffingtonpost. VIDEO : la réaction de ce petit garçon qui apprend qu'il va être grand frère est magique. A 5 ans, il défend sa mère qui allaite sa petite sœur en public. Et il ne manque pas de bagout ! Les réseaux sociaux fourmillent de formidables histoires.

There's A Monk Living In My Phone. Traveler Discovers Photos of Monks Popping Up in His iCloud Account Months After Losing His Device. In an age when people are often absorbed in their own bubbles of different gadgets and social media, it's incredible to hear stories of how individuals can form unlikely connections through technology. Fans, Weird Al Yankovic support girl bullied at school for liking 'Star Wars' A fascination with "Star Wars" that started two years ago became a problem for Layla Murphy when she started getting bullied in school this past year.

"A friend bought her an R2-D2 jacket in November, but she stopped wearing it because she said girls were making fun of her,'' the 8-year-old's mother, Nicolette Molina, told "We would go shopping, and they didn't have anything for 'Star Wars' in the girls' section, so we would go to the boys' section and get her clothes. I Followed My Stolen iPhone Across The World, Became A Celebrity In China, And Found A Friend For Life.

This dad knew exactly what to say when his son asked for a mermaid doll for his birthday. "Now, how do you think a dad feels when his son wants to get this? " That's the question YouTuber and proud dad Mikki Willis asked viewers, while holding a mermaid doll in a video posted online on Aug. 23, 2015, his son, Azai, trying not to smile in the background. Some dads wouldn't be cool with their sons playing with Little Mermaid dolls or, you know, playing with dolls at all.

But after a few chuckles, both Willis and Azai yell happily, "Yeah! " Huffingtonpost. He Was About To Defend His Autistic Son, Until The Man In Front Turn Around And Said THIS! This story really goes to show the true value of kindness in strangers. Some people live truly harsh lives and may not be aware of the importance of kindness in strangers, or maybe they just haven’t experienced enough of it yet.

This story about a man and his autistic son, Daniel, at Walt Disney World is one such case. 10 Month Old Baby Empath Cries With Emotion When Mother Sings. By Steven Bancarz| Babies don’t just cry when they need their diapers changed or want food. Apparently, some also cry when their mothers sings heart-wrenching ballads to them. This little baby girl displays a wide range of saturated emotions as her mother sings “My Heart Can’t Tell You No” by Rod Stewart. This is a classic example of an old soul trapped in a little body: Little Girl Has The Most Precious Reaction To Meeting Her Newborn Sister -

Huffingtonpost. Une serveuse paye le petit déj de 2 pompiers. Mais c’est elle qui reçoit un cadeau transformateur. Tim Young et Paul Hullings du New Jersey sont des pompiers courageux qui vivent pour leur métier. Un jour, ils ont dû se battre sans répit pendant 12 heures pour éteindre un feu. Une fois victorieux ainsi qu’épuisés, vers 6h du matin, ils rentrent dans un bistro pour commander le café le plus fort qu’ils puissent. Youtube/News Today 2015.