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IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Spent Years in the Sun, Never Wore Sunscreen, and Paid the Price - xoJane. So you’re old enough to remember that song that was supposedly based on a graduation speech given by Kurt Vonnegut?

IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Spent Years in the Sun, Never Wore Sunscreen, and Paid the Price - xoJane

You know the one. It’s sage advice set to a groovy beat in the background? The last piece of advice given is “and always wear sunscreen.” The Science Behind Power Naps & Why They’re So Good For You. We recently came across a great article about sleeping at Healthy Holistic Living (HHL), and wanted to archive it on our website alongside a few that we’ve already posted on this subject.

The Science Behind Power Naps & Why They’re So Good For You

Sleep is still somewhat of an enigma in the scientific world – from the correct way to sleep to why we need it, the study of sleep still has a long way to go before we fully understand its intricacies. As HHL points out, approximately 85% of all mammalian species sleep more than once a day, and scientists are not completely clear if humans are naturally monophasic as opposed to polyphasic. Has modern society conditioned us to be so, just as it has influenced so many other aspects of our health? If we examine the topic from a historical perspective, the work of historian Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech is a good start. In 2001 he published a paper that included over 15 years of research. What Does Reiki Really Do to Our Bodies? What Reiki has become best known for, and most spoken about is its ability to provide deep relaxation naturally, and without any side effects, impairments or contraindications.

What Does Reiki Really Do to Our Bodies?

While most know Reiki to do this, few understand how Reiki achieves it, and fewer still have language to explain it. This is because today Reiki is most commonly spoken about within the scope and context of spirituality and/or mediation. The problem with this however is that when you speak or teach Reiki within the context of spirituality or mediation, the practice of Reiki becomes a mystery, and when we accept and promote that, we continue to keep what was once known and understood about Reiki lost.

The way then to regain the lost knowledge of Reiki, so that it can be used to better the lives of humans everywhere is to speak about, and teach Reiki for what it is, a form of Energy Medicine. Everything starts and ends as energy. By: Chyna Honey, Author of Understanding Reiki: From Self-Care to Energy Medicine. What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey On An Empty Stomach Every Morning. When it comes to my health, I take as many precautions as I can and do right in whatever way I can.

What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey On An Empty Stomach Every Morning

I eat healthy food, I make sure to stay active, but sometimes there are little things I like to try to maintain good health, and after a month of drinking apple cider vinegar and honey each morning, I can report that it’s totally worth it. Together, apple cider vinegar and honey are a powerful health booster. According to some, it can be used to relieve joint pain, inflammation, and chronic sore throat, but those aren’t things that I can attest to personally. What I can say is that there are numerous benefits that I experienced from drinking honey and apple cider vinegar first thing every morning.

My intense heart burn was seriously relieved.My frequent stomach ailments, constipation, and diarrhea were relived.I lost weight.I had more energy through the day.I no longer had bad breath in the morning (kind of an unexpected result) 20 Practical Uses for Coca Cola – Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body. Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.”

20 Practical Uses for Coca Cola – Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body

However, the beverage itself is an absolute poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very close to the acidity level of battery acid and consequently it can clean surfaces equivalent to and often better than many toxic household cleaners. Oméga-3. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Les acides gras oméga-3, notés également ω3 (ou encore n-3[1]), sont des acides gras polyinsaturés que l'on trouve en grandes quantités dans certains poissons gras (comme le saumon), dans les graines de chia, le lin, la noix, la cameline, le colza et le soja. David Servan-Schreiber. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

David Servan-Schreiber

Manger peut-il nuire à la santé ? Reportage de 90min. diffusé sur France 3 le mercredi 16 Février 2011 Réalisé par Eric Guerret La journaliste Isabelle Saporta mène l’enquête et cinq scientifiques renommés analysent la toxicité de ces denrées.

Manger peut-il nuire à la santé ?

L’investigation commence par la prise de sang de la journaliste et révèle toute une panoplie de substances indésirables (métaux lourds, pesticides, plomb, arsenic, DDT…) que nous avons également tous dans le sang, d’après le toxicologue André Picot. Comment se fait-il que chacun de nous ait autant d’éléments toxiques dans le corps et d’où proviennent-ils ? Afin de répondre à cette question, sont analysés quatre aliments parmi ceux qui sont les plus consommés par les Français : les pommes, le pain, le porc et le saumon. Une longue investigation de 16 mois, qui s’est déroulée à la fois sur le terrain et dans les laboratoires, permet de mieux décrypter ce que nous avons dans notre assiette. Les pommes : «Manger peut-il nuire à notre santé?», un reportage pour mieux connaître nos assiettes. ALIMENTATION Le reportage diffusé mercredi à 22h55 sur France 3 retrace l'origine de quatre produits largement consommés par les Français...

«Manger peut-il nuire à notre santé?», un reportage pour mieux connaître nos assiettes

Audrey Chauvet Attention, ce reportage risque de vous couper l’appétit. Pommes, porc, saumon et pain: quatre des aliments les plus consommés en France ont été traqués par la journaliste Isabelle Saporta et analysés par cinq scientifiques renommés. Ce qu’ils ont pu filmer confirme que nos assiettes regorgent de pesticides, antibiotiques ou métaux lourds et sont devenues des menaces pour notre santé. Des pommes empoisonnées Point de départ du film, l’analyse de sang d’Isabelle Saporta laisse apparaître un nombre incroyable de produits chimiques: résidus de pesticides, métaux lourds ou même DDT.

Isabelle Saporta est partie à la recherche de ces substances dans les champs et les élevages. Un nuancier pour la couleur des saumons Les animaux ne sont pas mieux lotis. Les portes des élevages sont difficiles à franchir. Manger peut il nuire à notre santé. SantéTotale7. What Happens To Your Body One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke. More bad press for Coke continues, as a meme making its way around the web (was first posted by The Renegade Pharmacist) has gone viral, and for good reason.

What Happens To Your Body One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke

It’s no secret that Coke can be very harmful to our health, especially if someone has been drinking it for a long period of time. Sure, you might say that people are free to do as they please, but the truth of the matter is, a product like Coke (when there are so many better alternatives) should not even be on the market. Sugar, primarily in the form of high fructose corn syrup(HFCS), is the highest calorie source in the United States today. Recette baume nez bouché. This Is What Drinking Coconut Water For 7 Days Does To Your Body! Does coconut has magical powers as they claim? Probably you have heard for coconut ointment which if offered on the market. Here you will learn about the benefits of consuming coconut water about which you haven’t heard before. Probably you didn’t know that coconut water has compatible structure with blood plasma in the human bloodstream. So coconut water is used in war times where it substituted blood and saved many lives in the long and devastating battles.

Today coconut water is used all around the world. Five Lifesaving Signals Your Body Is Sending You: Learn How To Recognize Them! Our body, both on the outside and on the inside, is an incredible machine maintained by a number of factors such as our daily diet, daily routine and lifestyle. It often sends us messages from which we can see in what state our body is.

Here are five very important messages that you need to recognize, because it might save your life. Urine Going to the toilet in the morning can reveal a lot more than signs of inflammation and pregnancy. Our urine holds about 70 percent of the markers by which you can find out about the condition of your body. Color By the color of the urine you can mostly see the degree of hydration of the body. The frequency of urination Urinating too often can point to a number of (not) dangerous occurrences, from diabetes to excessive consumption of alcohol or coffee, pregnancy and weakened muscles. “Changes in the smell, color or density of urine can detect the state of our bodies and provide early warnings of disease” Smell Blood in the urine. Recette baume nez bouché. Rhume des foins, allergies de printemps - Catherine Fructus. Eczéma: remède des campagnes - Catherine Fructus.