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The growing role of emerging markets in aerospace - McKinsey Quarterly - Transportation - Sectors. It would be easy—but wrong—to conclude from recent events in the aerospace industry that its globalization efforts have gone too far. To be sure, both Boeing and Airbus have discovered, in developing their new aircraft, that involving suppliers from around the world creates complex management, coordination, and design integration challenges. Nonetheless, McKinsey research indicates that the industry’s globalization remains in its infancy.

China, India, and Russia are likely to emerge as significant players over the next two decades, a development that will give Western companies major short-term cost-reduction opportunities that they must capture. Podcast The growing role of emerging markets in aerospace Over the longer term, however, these changes could promote the emergence of new players representing a novel form of competition for today’s incumbents. These conclusions are drawn from scenario-based modeling of the industry’s future. Surging demand and compelling cost advantages . . . Aéro Montréal. Dictionnaire Aéronautique. Content. Portail:Aéronautique. Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le saviez-vous ? Articles de qualité Ces articles ont été sélectionnés car ils répondent aux critères de qualité définis par Wikipedia (ADQ, BA) : Articles de qualité (ADQ) Accident sur la base de Fairchild en 1994, Attaque sur Pearl Harbor, Classe Mistral, L'Oiseau blanc Bons articles (BA) Airbus A380, Aéroport international de Nauru, Aviation royale du Canada, Balls 8, Bataille de la mer de Corail, Bataille de Midway, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 777, Bombardements stratégiques sur le Japon, Configuration d'aile, École nationale de l'aviation civile, Hélicoptère radiocommandé, Opération Ladbroke, Pratt & Whitney F119, Turboréacteur, Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer.