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Famous INFPs - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Philosopher and author Rousseau: "[My] heart [is] at once haughty and tender [and my] character effeminate, yet invincible.

Famous INFPs -

" Rousseau: "[When under stress I thought of] the books I had read [and applied] them to myself. I [imagined I was] one of the characters [and soon found myself] in made-up circumstances which were most agreeable to my inclinations. " Rousseau: "Reason is greatly indebted to passion. Famous INFJs - Carl Gustav Jung Psychiatrist, student of Freud, mentor of Von Franz, married to Emma Jung, dated Toni Wolff, Maria Moltzer and Sabina Spielrein Jung: "As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

Famous INFJs -

" Jung: "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but ... from inner necessity. " Four Keirsey Temperaments. Celebrity Types - Overview.