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App that can translate text on paper into digital text. The Best Image-to-Text App for iPhone. Can a computer be programmed to work identically to a human brain? What would a perfect thermos be like. Symbiotic relationships nanotech. Solar Home Principles and Design by David W. Allan. The home is basically designed to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

There is plenty of solar energy. The problem is how to store it and optimally use it for self sufficiency. Nature gives us three methods of heating: convective, conductive and radiant; radiant is by far the most pleasant and desirable. Using these three methods, the home is designed so that each room is almost a zone to itself. The numbers before each point correspond to the illustration above. 1. More about Eutectic Salt Chamber 6. 7. Solar House Passive Solar Heat. Worlds Nests | Angel’s Nest, now Worlds Nests, the sustainable energy demonstration showcase in Taos, New Mexico, built by Robert Plarr and Victoria Peters, incorporates wind and solar power, a renewable hydrogen fueling station, and integrated greenhouses in a unique closed loop, grid-independent energy and water replenishment cycle. Dedicated to all the resources necessary to providing Green-Sustainable Systems to create Fully Affordable Sustainable Homes, Businesses and Communities around the world. Future Foglets of the Hive Mind. Michelle Ewens March 24, 2011 The concept of utility fog – flying, intercommunicating nanomachines that dynamically shape themselves into assorted configurations to serve various roles and execute multifarious tasks – was introduced by nanotech pioneer J. Storrs Hall in 1993. Recently in H+ Magazine, Hall pointed out that swarm robots are the closest thing we have to utility fog. This brings the concept a little bit closer to reality. For instance, a few years ago Dr. However, if a future foglet ever became conscious enough to dissent from its assigned task and spread new information to the hive mind, this might cause other constituent foglets to deviate from their assigned tasks. Eric Drexler, who coined “grey goo” in his seminal 1986 work on nanotechnology, “Engines of Creation,” now resents the term’s spread since it is often used to conjure up fears of a nanotech-inspired apocalypse.

What Is It Like to Be a Foglet? The Psychology of Groupthink The Ethics of Military Foglets. Cold Therapy Compression Systems | Physical Rehab or Sports Injuries | Game Ready. Man sees with 'bionic eye' Transhuman. Transhuman.