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Communication and Collaboration

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How to Podcast. Remember the good old days of TV and radio? Everyone would gather around to be entertained. Shows were broadcast at specific times and if you weren't there on time, you missed it <boo>. Broadcasts disappeared into the ether. Well, things have changed. Here's the big idea. Thanks to podcasting, show times don't matter.

When a new show is created, podcasting gives you a way to capture it and take it with you to watch or listen to later - usually for free. Here are three reasons why podcasting is becoming so popular. The first is that anyone can do it. The second is subscriptions. The third reason is gadgetry. So, let's look at how Jason uses podcasts. He uses the web everyday, rides the bus to work and loves Japanese culture. Recently he found a podcast by a Western couple living in Tokyo. Podcasting made it happen. Scribblar - Online Collaboration. Reference to Standards. Egbert on Communication. Best Class Blogs for 2012. The winner of the Best Class Edublog 2012….2,924 votes –Winner: Mrs. Yollis’ Classroom Blog (317 votes) –Runner Up: Fabulous 5S (217 votes) –Runner Up: 4KM And 4KJ @ Leopold Primary School (207 votes) –Runner Up: 3/4C & 3/4K @ UPPS (205 votes) –Runner Up: 3/4C @ The Junction (186 votes) Shortlisted Finalists Powered by WordPress | Hosted by Edublogs | Protected by CloudFlare Skip to toolbar.