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HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags. One of the most complex features of Twitter for new users to understand is the hashtag, a topic with a hash symbol ("#") at the start to identify it. Twitter hashtags like #followfriday help spread information on Twitter while also helping to organize it. The hashtag is a favorite tool of conferences and event organizers, but it's also a way for Twitter users to organize themselves: if everyone agrees to append a certain hashtag to tweets about a topic, it becomes easier to find that topic in search, and more likely the topic will appear in Twitter's Trending Topics. So how do you disseminate and make sense of all this hashtag madness? By going through the art of the hashtag step-by-step, of course. This short guide details how to identify, track, use, and organize hashtags in an efficient and useful way. Just be sure not to flaunt your new hashtag wisdom.

Have a tip to share on hashtags or a unique way you utilize them? 1. What the Trend? 2. What's buzzing on Twitter right now? 3. 4. How to use Twitter for marketing. Getting the most out of Twitter. « Social Media for Dealers. The 10 Commandments of Twitter. Not to get all biblical on you or anything, but Twitter is governed by a set of strict commandments. You should probably follow these to avoid feeling the wrath of the unfollow. 1. Thou Shall Devote a Few Minutes Each Day to Twitter This is a hard and fast rule. It’s set in stone, hence it’s a Twitter commandment. In order to fully optimize your Twitter experience, you’ve got to be around to pay attention to it. Take a few minutes each day and tweet a couple of things your followers will find valuable in your niche. 2. It’s not 1995 anymore, and I think we’ve all figured out that spam is really annoying. 3. People are talking about your business, your industry or your niche on Twitter right now. 4.

This goes hand-in-hand with the first commandment, but it deserves a separate space. 5. I love a good quote as much as the next guy. 6. I realize there are some people reading this that use the auto DM function on some third-party Twitter application. 7. Your company’s logo is nice. 8. 9. 10. Collaboration. Customize Your Domains Step 1. Domain Registration Information. Moving from ArcGIS Server to Google Maps API | GeoJason. I’ve been converting Union County’s Community Mapper application from ArcGIS Server to the Google Maps API. Why? Do I have anything against an ArcGIS Server solution? Not at all. ArcGIS Server still takes up a lot of room in my tool chest. Benefits Let Google handle the base map and related traffic. Users are comfortable with Google Maps. The Google Maps API is powerful and has an active community developing applications with it. Disadvantages The biggest downer that I see is that you lose complete control over your base map.

With Google there’s always a chance of advertisements popping in at some point in the future. How does it work? Users select one or many parcels by either clicking the map or using a single search text box. Once parcels are selected a user can uncover lots of spatial data by clicking various tabs within an info window. On the front end mapping is handled by the Google Maps API (obviously). A few other new features to note: Where’s it at? How To Use Twitter HashTags To Increse Your WebSite Traffic. If you are new to Twitter you may have noticed that some messages include a word with the # sign in front of it at the end of the tweet. This is called a hash tag, and hashtags are a convenient tool for organizing tweet posts. During the 2007 San Diego forest fires a guy called Nate Ritter posted updates on about the situation and identified his post with the hash tag, “#sandiegofire”.

Since then, the use of hash tags to identify and quickly locate groups of messages has become a common practice among Twitter devotees. There is even a website, that logs the use of hash tags on Twitter. If you check it out you will find hundreds of different hash tags that are currently being used to organize information on Twitter. Anybody with a twitter account can easily begin using hashtags. Hashtags can also be utilized by Internet marketers who want to keep customers updated about new developments, products or projects. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.