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Archival-quality Maps

Online task management. The Upsidedown Map Page - World Maps with South at the Top. It needn't be a Eurocentric world It came as a surprise to me after over 20 years of seeing "normal" world maps to come across an upside down one. The most surprising thing was that I found it surprising. It is completely artificial that we have North at the top of a map. The convention came a few centuries ago when Northern hemisphere, European navigators started using the North star and the magnetic compass.

Then a friend bought me an Australian map that was on sale in Japan. Hard to believe that I'd not only been educated into one stereotype about maps, but even after learning that stereotype had failed to spot the other one. I'm interested in Upsidedown Maps because they make me rethink the world. Indonesia looks like by far the most interesting place from orbit. Upsidedown prideOwn our head-scratching t-shirt! The first three following map images are copyright ODT, reproduced with their permission. More revenge from Australians, with their What's Up? Please email me: Cartographic Symbols & Map Symbols Library.

Cartographic Symbols & Map Symbols Library "In cartography, symbols are everything. The very nature of a map as an abstract representation of the Earth requires symbols to perform the abstraction. To not have symbols is to not have maps. " The Digital Wisdom cartographic symbol library provide graphic artists and mapmakers with a complete, well-designed contemporary set of map symbols packaged into an Illustrator vector library covering most of the features that need symbolizing on a map. Each library contains point, line and area symbols (including colors and patterns) which are fully editable and scalable. The design of each and every symbol has been very carefully thought through to allow intuitive recognition of the main features of a map and use a minimal footprint to cut down on map clutter. Compatibility Issues: In the Illustrator series, there is a real difference between versions 5-8 and 9.

Map Symbol Legend. Remember that North is just perspective - Oracle cross domain printing. Scission Whites Illusion. OpenStreetMap Hike & Bike Map.