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Transpose Data automatically. 1.3.1 Public Maps Gallery template. JavaScript API Samples. Image view pop-up capability. ArcGIS Online Blog : Editable features and pop-ups using the map viewer. We’ve covered how you can configure pop-ups with map service layers in previous posts. In this post we’ll continue our pop-up thread by covering pop-ups for features that you can add directly to your map.

Features are found in feature layers, and editable features come in two flavors. One kind is an editable layer that you connect to as a service, published via ArcGIS Server. The other kind are features that you can edit and save directly in your map. The latter is what we’ll focus on here. We’ll start by opening a new map by clicking Make a Map at the website.

We’ll be prompted to pick a template and a name for it (this is what appears in our map contents). After clicking Create, you’ll see a feature template gallery containing points, lines, and areas that you can add to your map. Below we’ve zoomed to the Esri campus, and chosen a pushpin from the template and added it to our map right in the middle of Building Q, our corporate headquarters. ArcGIS Online Blog : Configuring Layer Pop-ups - Beyond the Basics. In an earlier post we covered the basics of how to enable a pop-up for layers in your map. In this post we’ll take you beyond the basic pop-up. First, let’s review… For this example we’ll use an ArcGIS service of marine mammals in the Gulf. First we’ll add the layer and then click the layer name to view the sublayers, then enable the pop-up for each sublayer just like we did in our previous post: By default our pop-up displays all the information for the feature in a pleasing style: Turning attributes into information Though our pop-up is useful, with a few simple changes we can improve it, and turn attributes into information.

You’ll see a panel appear with three main sections. In this dialog you can see that we’ve turned off several fields, and have changed the field named “obsDate” to “Date.” Click Save Pop-up to save any changes you have made. Now our pop-up is improved, with only the information we want to display and better field names too. Once again we’ll configure the layer pop-up: