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Star box curtain. Tessellation by Tomoko Fuse. Origami Tessellations. Tessellations & Origami. John McKeever's Origami Tessellations. Thirteen Kawasaki Roses, made from a single square of elephat hide (two-sided paper with a smooth, marble-like appearance). Photo: thiomor [Flickr] Fractured flower, a 3D tessellation. Photo: thiomor [Flickr] If you look closely at this one, you'll see a familiar video game character.

Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. ORIGAMI BLOG » Origami Tessellations and Islamic Design. Photo above: Blue Mosque During a recent holiday to Istanbul, Turkey (which is also one of the most popular places to explore these days), I discovered a striking similarity between origami and the beautiful mosques and palaces that I visited.

ORIGAMI BLOG » Origami Tessellations and Islamic Design

The Blue Mosque, Topkapı Palace, and Rüstem Pasha Camii all had its own distinct beauty and character, but it is quite evident there is one element that binds them together – their geometric structures. And because origami is comprised of geometric shapes as well, we can relate Islamic art to origami. Additionally, it cannot be coincidental that the beautiful geometry designed on these architectural gems somehow parallel origami tessellations. Similar to origami, architecture is also one of the few art forms that combine both subjects of math and art to construct the unimaginable. Labrynth and Snowstorm Tessellations.