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Alexa the Web Information Company. Website SEO Tool | Website Grader. Reducing bounce rate and increasing traffic | 2earn-online. My first website has become one of the popular 100,000 websites on the web in just two years. Given that the web has more than 192 million websites this is considered a tremendous achievement in such a short period of time. Nothing happens by chance, there is no such thing as luck and you too can do the same by reading my articles. Just read this article and follow my other links and you will surely achieve the same result. The bounce rate is the percentage of users who view only a single page in your website then leave.

This means that those guys only check out the landing page they arrived to then exit your website because nothing caught their attention or forced them to stay. If you reduced your site’s overall bounce rate from ,lets say, 60% to 30% then your traffic will double without doing any extra efforts. My website has a bounce rate of 1.8 Percent, which means that out of every 100 person who visits my website only 1 leaves without reading additional pages.

Want to know more? Dashboard - Google Analytics. Search Engine Optimization | InlineSEO. Account::Dashboard.