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Concept Art

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Design and Art Tutorials > Idea generation through silhouettes Tutorial. Design and Art Tutorials > Rough line work: Focusing on leg anatomy Tutorial. Artists. Concept for Ron Gilbert's next game pre-dates Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, Xbox 360 News. Ron Gilbert's first game with Double Fine is slowly beginning to be revealed, and it looks, well, extremely Ron Gilbert.

Concept for Ron Gilbert's next game pre-dates Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, Xbox 360 News

On his blog, Gilbert released the first two pieces of concept art, showing off two of the game's multiple playable characters: The Scientist and The Mobster. "Here are a couple of fine pieces of concept art from the game I'm making with the amazing folks at Double Fine. Grumpy Gamer. What makes a developer "indie"?

Grumpy Gamer

I'm not going to answer that question, instead, I'm just going to ask a lot more questions, mostly because I'm irritated and asking questions rather than answering them irritates people and as the saying goes: irritation makes great bedfellows. What irritates me is this almost "snobbery" that seems to exist in some dev circles about what an "indie" is.