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Timberline Staff Handbook. Team Building/ClassActivities. Waukee PreApproval Form PD. IT/Maint. Requests. iVisions-Benefits. Aesop. Evaluation. Beliefs and GoalsWe believe that schools are learning communities where all learn continuously.


A Professional Growth Model should enable teachers to mature professionally and allow their experience and expertise to benefit their peers, the students, and the system, as evidenced by increased student achievement. The District’s goal is to induct beginning teachers in such a way that they become reflective practitioners who effectively create a caring community within their classrooms. This goal is achieved through Induction and Mentoring, Training and Development, and the Iowa Professional Growth Model. Induction and MentoringWe believe that frontloading our focus on developing the quality of initial licensed teachers is an investment that will result in increased achievement for all students and reduce stress on the part of initial licensed teachers.

The Induction and Mentoring program pairs the beginning teacher with an experienced teacher. Central Print. Duty Schedule. Calendar. Timberline Bell Schedules. PowerTeacher. Heartland Area Education Agency. Blog-Login. Technology Reservation. TL Positive Communication Log - Google Sheets. Positive Communication Form. Timberline Library. Team Minutes Form. Team Minutes-Responses. HEART - Login. WCSD Internal Curriculum. Explore the Iowa Core. NWEA 2105 Norm Tables. Missing Work Intervention Protocol.

Gradebook Training Videos

Minor/Major Forms & Logs. MTSS Log from 2014-15. PowerSchool Log Entry Tutorial.