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Why Teachers Should Have Classroom Websites. New York Schools » Articles Everyone is on the internet nowadays.

Why Teachers Should Have Classroom Websites

Well, not everyone—but nearly so. At least everyone can have their own space on the internet. With so many websites offering free web pages and blogs, it is possible for anyone to have a home on the web. Teacher's Simple Guide to Creating an Effective Classroom Website. Being able to record audio content will give you many options when building your website.

Teacher's Simple Guide to Creating an Effective Classroom Website

You can leave messages for students or parents that can tell about assignments or upcoming events. These tools can be used to create podcast for a variety of needs. It is important to include contact information on your homepage. …and this is why teachers should have blogs. I have been a big advocate of blogging for teachers, but not until I started doing it myself.

…and this is why teachers should have blogs

Personally, I realized that the time I take to sit down and reflect on what I do, what I read, or what I observe has really helped my own path as an educator and an administrator. Sometimes, for my own clarification, I go back and read my own blog to look at what I have done and how I can continuously work on it to improve. This transparent way of learning is something that I believe can not only improve the teaching profession as a whole (for example, take a look at the conversation on this Pernille Ripp post from today), but is something that could really improve learning for our students. Dean Shareski talked about this in his article entitled, “How to Make Better Teachers“, and the one word he used for his answer was “blogging”.

Dean pushes this concept and shares how blogging mirrors some of the same objectives of Professional Learning Communities: One of my favourite things is Pokemon. 10 Reasons Why Teachers Need a Website. A website for any type of teacher (classroom teacher, private teacher, online tutor, trainer, college professor) offers so many benefits and possibilities that it really should now be at the top of our to-do lists.

10 Reasons Why Teachers Need a Website

But teachers have a never ending list of things to do, and keeping up with technology usually doesn’t seem the most pressing. But there are so many reasons why teachers need to be online and have a web presence that would in fact facilitate if not eliminate the concerns that appear to us most important. These are 10 reasons that I find most salient and I hope if you’re a teacher they make you seriously consider either building your own website or having someone do it for you. 1. Should Schools Require Teachers to Have Web Sites? A debate is occurring in some schools concerning whether or not all faculty should be required to have a web site.

Should Schools Require Teachers to Have Web Sites?

In a few years, this question will seem as vacuous as whether or not faculty should have a syllabus, communicate their expectations to students, employ a rubric for assessment, or consider the needs of individual students. Any teacher who wants to meet students where they are, and communicate with student’s parents where the parents are, needs to have an online presence. Top Ten Reasons to Create a Classroom Web Page: KinderArt - K12 (For Teachers & Homeschoolers) Why ALL Teachers Need Their Own Website (Part 1/3) Let’s face it – we’re all different: some of us are shy while others are very outgoing.

Why ALL Teachers Need Their Own Website (Part 1/3)

As a teacher, you need to find ways to ensure that each student has an equal opportunity to express themselves in his/her own way. One thing that bothered me in school was how one-sided and “traditional” certain teachers were. They had an old-fashioned rule that in order to pass the class you had to write great papers, do well on tests, do great presentations and participate in class. Now, I’m not saying that that is a bad thing…but for students who were shy (or easily embarrassed) their lack of class participation, or lack of being able to effectively give public presentations caused their grades to suffer A LOT!

I, for one, can sometimes have multiple personalities. In certain class settings I was comfortable, raising my hand, answering questions, cracking jokes (not in a disruptive way, no worries), having fun, learning – the whole nine! Luckily, neither of those things happened. 1. 2. 3. ~Thea. Ten reasons every teacher should want a web site. I created my first classroom website ten years ago.

Ten reasons every teacher should want a web site

Here’s a copy of it for you to laugh at courtesy of the Internet Archive Project. Back then, creating – and especially maintaining – a website was hard work that involved a lot of time and specialized knowledge. Thankfully for educators, that time is over. Now, anyone can create a site instantly and easily. If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, you’re missing out on a lot more than just an online presence. 10. Having a classroom website provides students with special needs – from Autism to hearing and vision difficulty – access to notes, clear instructions, review materials, and specific assignment details. Plus, special needs students aren’t the only ones who benefit from clear communication about what’s happening in your classroom. 9. Not everything a teacher does fits neatly in a paper planning book anymore. 8. 7.