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Facebook Twitter - digital art community. Bic pen - reinventing the most popular ballpoint. Johnny Webber | hobbies, habits, and personal growth. The Useless Web. 10 Awesome Infographics for Graphic Designers. As a graphic designer, you’ve probably designed at least a few infographics for your clients – or even for fun. You can create (and sell) infographics for any topic or industry, which means infographics can be a lucrative source of income. Some designers make a full-time living designing infographics alone. And while infographics always require the talents of a graphic designer, how many infographics have you seen that feature graphic designers? The following 10 awesome infographics were made by graphic designers, for graphic designers. 1. Learn what different colors represent and what emotions they stir, and when and how to use them in your own designs. 2.

This infographic serves as a quick reference for the basic elements of design, complete with tips for how and why each should be considered when creating any design. 3. A humorous look at the daily life of a graphic designer – super deadlines, tons of work, frantic environment and (hopefully) good pay. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos. Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it. And thats some of the most beloved Street Art Photos posted in 2012 on Street Art Utopia!

A member of Street Art Utopia on Facebook wrote two year ago this nice piece about the future: – My son, do you want to hear something strange? – Yes! What? – You know the new tree painting we did on the garage last week.. Up until around the year 2050 people generally did not have paintings on houses! – What? – Well, yes, many were. . – Was art forbidden? – Well no, but it had to be in special buildings only. . – Wow. . . – Yes, my son.