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Turn Your Home Router Into a Super-Powered Router with DD-WRT. Wireless is everywhere and routers are the force that makes it happen, so why not supercharge yours to take proper advantage of it?

Turn Your Home Router Into a Super-Powered Router with DD-WRT

DD-WRT will let you boost your router’s range, add features, and more. DD-WRT has a ton of features—more than we can cover in this guide, which is focused on helping you get your router upgraded. Stay tuned, as we’ll go into more depth in a couple more days on all the great things you can do with it, but even if you don’t use the additional features, DD-WRT is worth installing to make your router work better. What Is DD-WRT? Here’s our router. How to Restore an Abused iPhone (or any gadget) After a few months of use, our gorgeous new gadgets incur a fair share of dings and scratches.

How to Restore an Abused iPhone (or any gadget)

However, all is not lost! Learn how one man bought a horribly abused iPhone on Ebay and polished it up to look brand new. It’s a superb tutorial including both case and screen refurbishing which you can apply to all of your neglected gadgets. Steps to Resurrection: Audio Hacks. Xbox 360 Hacks.