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.Mac Reader: Choose RSS feeds. Ryan’s Bolognese Sauce. The thing about my recent houseguest Ryan is that he’s an exceptional cook.

Ryan’s Bolognese Sauce

Bottom line: the guy just flat knows what he’s doing in the kitchen, wrestling pretty much any ingredient to the ground with complete confidence. If he wasn’t a minister, I’d say he missed his calling. But…yeah. I don’t think he did. The other thing about my recent houseguest Ryan is…he doesn’t so much use recipes. The night before Ryan and his family left Oklahoma (and guess what? For dinner Ryan prepared homemade pasta and his version of a Bolognese sauce. Please bear with me on the quantities of the ingredients Ryan used. He started by grating carrots. I started by having a glass of wine. Then he peeled and halved a red onion. Then he diced up a good amount. Then he sliced and diced a HUGE boatload of garlic. Lots of olive oil went into the Dutch oven. When it comes to adding olive oil to the pan, we don’t deal in tablespoons around here. When the oil was heated, Ryan threw in the grated carrots. Macaroni & Cheese.

There’s nothing that can be said.

Macaroni & Cheese

But there is much to be eaten. Come, my child…come. I shall take you by the hand and take you where you need to go. I shall show you the food that is solely responsible for my bones and tissues multiplying and growing at a young age. It’s macaroni and cheese. Come…come, my child. I shall show you the way. Elbow macaroni. You’ll need butter. And just note that I pretty much never use unsalted butter except for a few select baking recipes. All-purpose flour. WHOLE MILK. Dry mustard. 1 egg. And cheese. But today, it’s all cheddar, all the time. Cook 4 cups dried macaroni until it’s very “al dente”.

Nutshell: Undercook the macaroni! Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk the egg. Add a good teaspoon or so of salt to the water. Now, in a large saucepan or dutch oven, melt 1/4 cup (1/2 stick OR 4 tablespoons) butter. Sprinkle in an equal amount (4 tablespoons) flour. Whisk the mixture together over medium-low heat (careful not to burn!) Whisk it together… How to Make Crockpot Recipes Like a Pro. Recipe for Crockpot Lemon Chicken Try our delicious recipe for Crockpot Lemon Chicken.

How to Make Crockpot Recipes Like a Pro

This is a homemade Crockpot Lemon Chicken Recipe that you can make for dinner or for parties. Take this Crockpot Lemon Chicken Recipe with you on the go to a friends house or as a nice meal for someone you love. The beauty of the crockpot is you can cook in, transport food in it and keep your foods warm in it. A Crockpot Lemon Chicken Recipe is the perfect dinner for your slowcooker.