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How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery. Home > CSS, Front End Development, HTML, Javascript > How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery Why not give a little flair to your header. This tutorial will show you how to animate your header’s background image using jQuery to give your website that little extra something. What We Are Building We are going to build a header that animates it’s background. We will also encase the header in shadow for the little extra dramatic effect. How it’s Going to Work The header background image is going to be super tall. Now that we have our background image, we will also need to create a shadow overlay image. After that it’s just a matter of animating the background image with jQuery so it scrolls. Getting Started The first thing we’re going to need is the HTML in place. Here is the HTML: The CSS We aren’t going to do anything too difficult here. Here is the CSS: Just a note, the png transparency won’t work in IE6.

The jQuery There are a couple ways of animating the background with jQuery. Sexy Opacity Animation with MooTools or jQuery. A big part of the sexiness that is Apple software is Apple's use of opacity. Like seemingly every other Apple user interface technique, it needs to be ported to the web (</fanboy>). I've put together an example of a sexy opacity animation technique which you may implement in jQuery or MooTools. The XHTML <div id="forest-slot-1" class="opacity"><h2>The Forest</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. There's nothing too special about the HTML above; the awesomeness comes with CSS. The CSS To enhance the design of my content block, I'm adding a colorful background image behind where the content blocks will display.

The MooTools JavaScript The structure for both the jQuery version and MooTools version is the same. The jQuery JavaScript $(document).ready(function() { var opacity = 0.7, toOpacity = 0.9, duration = 250; $('.opacity').css('opacity',opacity).hover(function() { $(this).fadeTo(duration,toOpacity); }, function() { $(this).fadeTo(duration,opacity); } );}); Be Heard. How to Load In and Animate Content with jQuery.

In this tutorial we will be taking your average everyday website and enhancing it with jQuery. We will be adding ajax functionality so that the content loads into the relevant container instead of the user having to navigate to another page. We will also be integrating some awesome animation effects. So first of all, I have put together a very simple layout for this example. Here's a screenshot and the HTML code we'll use. Step 1 First thing's first, go and download the latest stable release of jQuery and link to it in your document: One of the best things, in my opinion, about jQuery is it’s simplicity. First let’s load the jQuery library and initiate a function when the document is ready (when the DOM is loaded).

Step 2 So what we want to do is make it so that when a user clicks on a link within the navigation menu on our page the browser does not navigate to the corresponding page, but instead loads the content of that page within the current page. Step 3 Step 4 Here is the code so far: Typography Effects with CSS3 and jQuery. Today we will create a set of nice typography effects for big headlines using CSS3 and jQuery. There are many things we can do with CSS3 animations and transitions and we'll explore some of the possibilites. View demo Download source Today we will create a set of nice typography effects for big headlines using CSS3 and jQuery. There are many things we can do with CSS3 animations and transitions and we’ll explore some of the possibilites. We’ll be using Lettering.js in order to style single letters of the words we’ll be having in our big headlines. The image used in the demo is by Andrey & Lili. The HTML The structure will simply be an h2 element with an anchor inside.

Then we’ll call the Lettering.js plugin, so that every letter gets wrapped in a span. Now, let’s take a look at each example. In order not to bloat the tutorial, I will not be showing any CSS vendor prefixes. Example 1 In the first example we want to skew the letters in order to create bit of perspective. Example 2 Example 3. Building an Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery. Why? Aside from being a fun exercise, what purpose does something like this have?

None that's plainly obvious. Its about as useful as a miniature ship in a bottle. Yet it does have an underlying purpose. It could inspire someone to look beyond the perceived constraints of web designers and developers. View Demo Overview This project was created by layering several empty divs over each other with transparent PNGs as background images. The backgrounds were animated at different speeds using a jQuery plug-in by Alexander Farkas. The robot is comprised similarly to the background animation scene by layering several DIVs together to create the different robot pieces. The Markup <div id="wrapper"><div id="cloud-01"><div id="cloud-02"><div id="mountains-03"><div id="ground"><div id="full-robot"><div id="branding"><h1>Robot Head. The structure of the divs closely resembles our diagram.

The Style The CSS for this project is just as simple as the markup. The jQuery JavaScript Note from Chris Share On. Create a Stunning Sliding Door Effect with jQuery. Introduction Continue from our previous thumbnail effect series. This is the third one. If you missed the previous two, you can visit the following links: Advertisement This tutorial is going to be awesome! I got inspired by my friend's Image Splitting Effect from Tutsvalley. I decided to take one step further, create a four corners sliding door effect.

Basically, this is what it does: Grab all the div with qitem class, find the image and replace it with four DIVs (four corners)Each of the corner will have the same background image (grabbed from qitem class's child image element) but with different background position: top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. The following image illustrate how it works: It's a good practise to keep HTML as simple as possible. In the demo, we can see there are total of 9 items. In CSS section, it's quite simple. For caption, position:absolute is a must to se the z-index. We need to set the generic setting for all the corners. 3. Conclusion. Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery. Today we want to show you how to create a simple blur effect for text-based items.

The idea is to have a set of text boxes that will get blurred and scaled down once we hover over them. The item in focus will scale up. This will create some kind of "focus" effect that drwas the attention to the currently hovered item. View demo Download source Today we want to show you how to create a simple blur effect for text-based items. We’ll be using CSS3 transitions and some jQuery to apply the respective classes. Since we will be using transitions, this effect will only work properly in browsers that support them. So let’s start! The Markup The structure will be a section with some articles in i. Let’s look at the style. The CSS The main container will be of fixed width and centered: Let’s clear the floats (out articles will be floating) with the help of the :before and :after pseudo elements: Now, let’s style the article items.

For Webkit browsers we’ll also add -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden. Lateral On-Scroll Sliding with jQuery. After getting the request, we are going to show you how to create a "slide-in on scroll" effect. You've probably seen this cool effect on some websites, like on Nizo or in the portfolio section of brilliantly designed La Moulade. The main idea is to laterally slide in elements depending on the scroll position of the document. Dividing the page into a left and right side, we want to move the elements from "outside" of the page to the center when they are in the viewport.

We will also add the opti View demo Download source After getting the request, we are going to show you how to create a “slide-in on scroll” effect. The theme of today’s tutorial is going to be a timeline where we will have some circular elements on one side and the descriptions on the other. So, let’s start! The Markup The HTML structure is going to consist of a main container and some rows that we’ll use to place the left and the right elements. The CSS The row will serve as a wrapper for the left and right elements: Demos. SUPERSCROLLORAMA. SuperScrollorama is powered by TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine.

Go to for documentation on how to use it. Why Greensock/TweenMax? Great performance, ease-of-use, expandibility and basically because it is awesome. First, link to the jQuery CDN and then embed TweenMax.js and SuperScrollorama. Next, start up SuperScrollorama. Think of it as a controller for animation. You add tweens and timelines to it, targeting when an element appears in the viewport or at a specific scroll point. When initializing SuperScrollorama there are several options you might want to change. $.superscrollorama({options}) vars: optional properties for the pin method (object): isVertical Are we scrolling vertically (true) or horizontally (false)?

Example Use the addTween method to build your scroll animations. In the example below, the animation fades in when scrolled into view. The 4th parameter is offset, which you can use to adjust the scroll point at which the animation is triggered.