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Horror Film Finds Actual Business Use For Chatroulette. Remember the Blair Witch Project? With its campaign for The Last Exorcism, Lionsgate Films has taken the amateur video horror film idea to the next level, proving that there’s a way to use Chatroulette as more than just a medium where you can see strangers get naked and watch Ben Fold’s covers. The ad (which has received 339, 743 views thus far), cleverly spoofs Chatroulette’s propensity for nudity, luring unsuspecting viewers in with the temptation of a cute girl about to take off her clothes.

Once again, it seems as though the horror genre is light years ahead of the Hollywood curve when it comes to grassroots viral marketing and you know, using the Internet. The tactic seems to be working, as IMDB’s Movie Meter is plotting a 23% rise in the film’s popularity in the past week, caused by links on sites like Gizmodo and this one. From the YouTube comments: “You know what this proves? That men can easily be lured to their brutal deaths with sex. Chaîne de expendables‬‎ Tron Trailer Remix | The Daily Nugget. Blade runner - fr. The Social Network. 1000 Frames of Vertigo (1958) - Alfred Hitchcock Wiki - Mozilla. 1000 Frames of Rear Window (1954) - Alfred Hitchcock Wiki - Mozi. Avatar.