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Popcorn.js | The HTML5 Video Framework. Projeqt \ how great stories are told. 東日本大震災:通行実績情報マッピング. Cap4 - Riot Cinema Collective. Cap4 - Wreckamovie - Wreckamovie Platform. Cap4 - transmedia_script.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf)

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning: Introduction. In the Pirkinning? Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is a feature-length sci-fi parody, seven years in the making. It is the product of a core group of five Finns, and over 300 extras, assistants and supporters. The film combines world-class visual effects, a rough-and-ready sense of humour, and a passion that provide the basis for the first-ever Finnish science fiction adventure. Whats' it about? Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is not your run-of-the-mill parody aimed solely at Star Trek fans. Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning begins with Captain James B. As the prospects for humanity's conquest of space look increasingly bleaker, Pirk comes up with a questionable plan to save mankind's future...

Who made it? There is no major production company behind the film, but five students and unemployed people from Tampere, a bit of blue linoleum and a few home computers. Read more about the crew or their production company about Energia Productions. Whom it may concern Now what? Nope. Wreck on! THE COSMONAUT. Blender Tutorial.


The Dada painters and poets: an ... Register. D.i.y. Or Die: How To Survive As An Independent Artist. Beck's. Ninja! Good Screenings: FAQ. A: Possibly. Good Screenings will be looking for more brilliant social justice documentaries to recommend to audiences, charities, foundations, companies, schools, community groups, campaigners and documentary fans all over the world. But we can’t take them all. We are prioritising award-winning films, festival hits or those that have opened theatrically or those with a proven ability to create social impact. We are particularly interested in environmental films. If you’d like to have your film considered – please get in touch for more information at A: Films are not free to make. If we can make this alternative funding system work, we can make it possible for more filmmakers to step outside the mainstream media and start making independent films, without advertising execs or corporate suits watering down their content.

Bode. Remix culture. Definition of Free Cultural Works. Students for Free Culture » Blog » FC.o in the Media. Free culture movement. The movement objects to overly-restrictive copyright laws. Many members of the movement argue that such laws hinder creativity. They call this system "permission culture. "[3] Creative Commons is an organization started by Lawrence Lessig which provides licenses that permit sharing under various conditions, and also offers an online search of various Creative Commons-licensed works.

The free culture movement, with its ethos of free exchange of ideas, is aligned with the free software movement. Background[edit] In 1998, the United States Congress passed the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act which President Clinton signed into law. In 1999, Lessig challenged the Bono Act, taking the case to the US Supreme Court. In 2001, Lessig initiated Creative Commons, an alternative “some rights reserved” licensing system to the default “all rights reserved” copyright system. Organizations[edit] Defining freedom[edit] Criticisms[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Resources.

What is DRM? Digital Restrictions Management | Students for Free Culture » Blog » Tools and Resources. What does a free culture look like? - Wiki. A free culture is one where critics don't just vote thumbs-up or thumbs-down on a movie but seriously discuss how a movie could be improved -- and then someone reads their critique and goes out and does it. [1] [2] A free culture is one where being a cover band doesn't lose you any street cred compared to doing your own music from scratch -- and where it starts to become hard to tell the difference. [3] A free culture is one where bad old TV series and movies turn into brilliant remakes and fan fiction on a regular basis -- and bad remakes and fan fiction themselves generate brilliant ones after a few years.

A free culture is one where making a tribute to your favorite book or speculating on a logical continuation of an existing book is just as legal as mocking and satirizing a bad book you don't like. [4] A free culture is one where anyone who wants to can try to build a better mousetrap -- and the world beats a network of paths connecting everyone's front door. Friars Club and Stroome Partner on 2010 Comedy Film Festival. Info Page. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States. Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism. By Richard Stallman Every decision a person makes stems from the person's values and goals. People can have many different goals and values; fame, profit, love, survival, fun, and freedom, are just some of the goals that a good person might have. When the goal is a matter of principle, we call that idealism. My work on free software is motivated by an idealistic goal: spreading freedom and cooperation.

That's the basic reason why the GNU General Public License is written the way it is—as a copyleft. Not everyone who uses the GNU GPL has this goal. “Sometimes I work on free software, and sometimes I work on proprietary software—but when I work on proprietary software, I expect to get paid.” He was willing to share his work with a community that shares software, but saw no reason to give a handout to a business making products that would be off-limits to our community.

Consider GNU C++. Consider GNU Objective C. Here the GNU GPL comes to the rescue. The GNU GPL is not Mr. Untitled Document. We would like to encourage footage within the following themes (these are just suggestions though): CELEBRATION, the positive side of life on earth; CAUTION, "all is not right with the world"; and ACTION, demonstrating solutions and answers.

The audio-visual editing and sampling techniques pioneered by Coldcut and Hexstatic, where sound components on film are linked to their video sources, will be used to draw out key parts of the overall film message Film Structure - The Three Phases We don’t want to be too prescriptive about what is filmed. Instead we have set out three distinct phases for the film as a general guide for our film-makers to follow and use as inspiration. We would like you to focus on the social, economic and environmental sustainability of YOUR world as YOU see it. The editorial team will be guided in their compilation and shaping of the final film by themes that emerge from contributed footage. Phase 1 - CELEBRATION: NOW! Suggestions for footage: Phase 2 - CAUTION: Themes. Free culture movement. Pw2001_19-27_Intellectual_Property.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf) Philosophy of the GNU Project. These articles give other people's philosophical opinions in support of free software, or related issues, and don't speak for the GNU project — but we more or less agree with them.

Many of the Organizations that Work for Freedom in Computer Development and Electronic Communications also have philosophical opinions in support of free software, or related issues. The Trouble with “Free Riding”, by Timothy B. Lee. The Future of Copyright, an essay by Rasmus Fleischer. Links to more philosophy articles “Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.” The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Back to top. Vimeo Festival and Awards Date and Location Announced - Vimeo Festival + Awards Blog. Mozilla Firefox. Solar Cinema Homepage. Netbehaviour - We are the medium - the context - the source of networked creativity. A video aperto | Technology Review Italia.

Di David Talbot | Capo corrispondente di «Technology Review», edizione americana. Nel 2005, Michael Dale e Abram Stern, due studenti di dottorato del corso di arte dei media digitali presso l’Università della California a Santa Cruz, decisero che sarebbe stato divertente costruire dei “blob” televisivi con i discorsi pronunciati al Congresso americano. Il loro era un obiettivo artistico: Stern, per esempio, aveva in mente di editare un intervento sul parterre del Senato rimuovendo tutte le parole fuorché i pronomi personali. Si trattava più o meno di seguire una tradizione di videocommento satirico basata sul remix dei discorsi ascoltati durante la convention repubblicana del 2004 in modo da riportare solo le numerose occorrenze dei termini “terrorismo” o “11 settembre” pronunciati da George e Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, Rudy Giuliani e altri.

Benvenga un po’ di follia Wikivideo sulle orme di Wikipedia. Technology Review: The People Own Ideas! We entered the youth camp that morning by passing down a long, white gravel road and under a wooden gate. Spread to one side, and for as far as you could see, were rows and rows of tents. In front were scores of showers, with hundreds of kids in swimsuits milling about, waiting to rinse. It felt like a refugee camp.

In a sense, it was. Just past the showers was a sprawling collection of wooden huts, connected by a canvas spread across their roofs. The room was being prepared for what seemed like a disco. In another room, the yellow light filtering through the canvas roof bathed another 50 machines. Inside the room, a group of five or six Brazilians was waiting there to meet us. Technology Review: Taking Media in Our Own Hands. The hazy images of Kyle Cassidys Toy Soldiers (1996) evoke faint childhood memories. This short film expresses the hopes and anxieties of a small boy as he awaits the next news from his father who is serving in Vietnam.

Adult concerns shape his everyday rituals as he plays in the backyard with his green plastic army guys and reflects on the fate of those who have been run over by the lawnmower, as he watches the flickering television newscast with his mother, and as he awaits the next letter. Toy Soldiers has the intimacy of a home movie, even though it is re-created decades later from the directors own memories. Cassidy made the critically acclaimed film with his Pixelvision 2000 camera, which has a plastic case and plastic lens, runs on six AA batteries, and records its images on a regular audiocassette tape. The Pixelvision camera was marketed from 1987 to 1989 by the toy company Fisher-Price.

Favourite DIY

I WANT MY GEEK TV! The Cast of Global Frequency Many of us who study fan cultures have marveled at how quickly fan communities mobilize around new television series. Fan websites such as Ain’t It Cool News get early information about new series, especially those which are prone to develop cult followings. Many fans start registering domain names and forming web circles based on the first news of a fan-friendly series.

And producers are becoming more adept at tapping into fan networks from the get-go. By the time the first episode airs, fans start generating fan fiction and commentary if they like what they see. We will see this scenario play out several times as the new shows hit the airwaves in the coming weeks. Pushing this trend to its logical extreme, an active, committed fandom has now emerged around an unaired pilot. Then, somehow, an unauthorized copy of series pilot began circulating on Bittorrent, where it became the focus of a grassroots effort to get the series back into production. 1. 2. Berry1.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf)

Berry. Participatory culture. Participatory culture is a neologism in reference of, but opposite to a Consumer culture — in other words a culture in which private persons (the public) do not act as consumers only, but also as contributors or producers (prosumers). The term is most often applied to the production or creation of some type of published media. Recent advances in technologies (mostly personal computers and the Internet) have enabled private persons to create and publish such media, usually through the Internet. This new culture as it relates to the Internet has been described as Web 2.0. In participatory culture "young people creatively respond to a plethora of electronic signals and cultural commodities in ways that surprise their makers, finding meanings and identities never meant to be there and defying simple nostrums that bewail the manipulation or passivity of “consumers.”[1] History[edit] Participatory culture has been around longer than the Internet.

Forms of participatory communication[edit] Gender and Fan Culture (Round Eight, Part Two): Abigail Derecho and Christian McCrea. Collaborative Video. Elephants Dream. Total Recut Blog. *** UPDATE: The remix was reinstated on January 10th, following significant negative media attention directed towards Lionsgate as a result of the spread of Jonathan's story (posted 48 hours before).*** More than three years ago, American remixer extaordinaire, Jonathan McIntosh uploaded 'Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed' to his YouTube channel. The remix went on to be hugely successful, spreading virally to over 3 million views, featuring widely in online media and even winding up as part of academic curricula around the world. But perhaps its crowning achievement was being screened at the official DMCA exemptions hearings held by the US Copyright Office in summer 2012 and being noted as a clear-cut example of fair use (specifically, an example of 'transformative non-commercial video work') by experts in the field.

Political Remix Video: Transforming Mass Media and Pop Culture. Open Source Intelligence | The Fibreculture Journal. FCJ-206 From Braitenberg’s Vehicles to Jansen’s Beach Animals: Towards an Ecological Approach to the Design of Non-Organic Intelligence Maaike Bleeker Utrecht University [Abstract] For more than twenty years now, Dutch artist and engineer Theo Jansen has been invested in the development of new, non-organic species that he refers to as Strandbeesten, which in English translates to “beach animals”.

His beach animals are creatures constructed from plastic conduit normally used to house electric cables,… more.. FCJ-143 Ouvert/Open: Common Utopias Nathalie Casemajor Loustau and Heather Davis McGill University and Concordia University Introduction The geography of the city functions as a mechanism for distributed power. More.. Editorial, Guidelines, Forms more.. FCJ-221 Collecting Elements of a Minor Future: Commoning in Alphabet City­ more.. FCJ-220 Imperial Infrastructures and Asia beyond Asia: Data Centres, State Formation and the Territoriality of Logistical Media more.. more.. more.. more.. more.. The Fibreculture Journal : 13. La cattedrale e il bazaar. Di Eric S.

Raymond (22/11/1998 ore 04:01:20) Quella che segue è la mia analisi di un progetto open source di successo, fetchmail, deliberatamente utilizzato come test specifico per la verifica di alcune sorprendenti teorie sullo sviluppo del software suggerite dalla storia di Linux. Le mie argomentazioni su tali teorie mettono a confronto due diversi stili di sviluppo, il modello “cattedrale” in voga in gran parte del mondo commerciale, opposto al modello “bazaar” del mondo Linux. Da qui passo poi a dimostrare come tali modelli derivino da premesse divergenti sulla natura dell'attività di debugging del software.

Arrivo quindi a stabilire la validità dell'esperienza di Linux riguardo l'affermazione “Con molti occhi puntati addosso, ogni bug diventa una bazzecola”, per suggerire analogie produttive con altri sistemi di agenti indipendenti in grado di auto-correggersi, concludendo infine con una serie di riflessioni sulle implicazioni di queste analisi per il futuro del software. Sommario: The Cathedral and the Bazaar. "The Phantom Edit" Boy Who Never Slept – Free Open Source Movie with Comedy Drama Sex | MoviePals Open Cinema - Filmmaking Adventures and Crowd-driven Web Series. Home - Dirty Oil. Open movie. Henry Jenkins. Henry Jenkins. Reinventing Cinema: An Interview with Chuck Tryon. Henry Jenkins. Reinventing Cinema: An Interview with Chuck Tryon.

Definition/It - Definition of Free Cultural Works. The Wind Done Gone. Students for Free Culture » Blog » Net Neutrality. Patent Absurdity — How software patents broke the system. FLOSS references.

Open source

CSS. Marocco. Automac.