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Data visualisation

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Mapping Controversies. Seaquence. JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit. Data as Art: 10 Striking Science Maps | Wired Science. The computer age triggered a seemingly endless stream of scientific data, but such incoming mountains of information come at a cost. The more data you amass, the tougher it is to comprehend what you're dealing with.In a push for better perspective, a group of information scientists in 2005 created a decade-long competitive art exhibit called Places & Spaces: Mapping Science. From artistic pop-culture plots to illustrations of the state of scientific collaboration (above), the founders hope winning entries inspire researchers to present their troves of data in clever and digestible ways.

"Good science maps give you a holistic understanding of how the data is structured," said information scientist Katy Börner of Indiana University, a founder and curator of the exhibit. She is also author of the Atlas of Science, a collection of the maps gathered over the years. Images: Chris Harrison/Carnegie Mellon University; Pastor Christoph Römhild/St. Data Visualization and Infographics Resources - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Data visualizations and infographics can make complex datasets easier to understand and comprehend. By creating a graphical represenatation of data and statistics, complicated concepts and information can make more sense in less time. Many visualizations focus on representing a specific set of data or statistical information.

Others focus on less-concrete topics, providing a visual representation of abstract concepts. But visualizations and infographics can be used poorly, too. Also consider our previous articles: Data Visualizations and Infographics which lists examples and types of infographics and data visualizations.Data Visualization: Modern Approaches showcases modern examples of data visualization and infographics. 1.

Here are some blogs and website that provide great information for information designers, including how-to articles, visualization showcases and galleries, and other resources. Strange Maps Wall Stats Visual Complexity Cool Infographics Data Mining Chart Porn.