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Rand Paul Says the Name of Alleged Whistleblower, Asks if Impeachment Was Rigged from Beginning. On Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul took the Senate floor, where he read the name of the alleged whistleblower at the center of the House impeachment inquiry. His comments occurred after Paul was not allowed to read the same statement last week. He submitted the same question last week during President Trump‘s impeachment trial and it included the person’s name. Paul Silenced No More “I think they made a big mistake not allowing my question. RELATED: Rand Paul Says President Trump Would Be ‘Going Against The Law If He Didn’t Investigate The Bidens’ The question made reference to two alleged Democratic operatives including one who has been reported to be the whistleblower who filed a complaint about Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky.

By voting, you agree to receive email communication from The Political Insider. ‘I think they made a big mistake not allowing my question’ “Now during the proceedings, I asked a question that was disallowed. Don Jr. Sen. GOP Rep BLASTS Schiff: ‘This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like… What a joke’ (632) Fight For The Mic? Nadler And Schiff Scramble To Answer Impeachment Question | The 11th Hour | MSNBC. Watch: Trump Campaign Masterfully Pokes Fun At Nadler And Schiff As Nadler Rains On Schiff ‘Historic’ Moment | News Thud.

Make sure your sound is turned up for this one because this is hilarious! On Thursday night at the very end of the question and answer session House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff was robbed of his “historic” moment by House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler. Just the video alone was funny to watch, but wait until you see with the Trump campaign did with the video clip, it is hilarious. As Senators were shutting things down for the night Senator Amy Klobuchar question was lost in the shuffle of things however Klobuchar walked back up to the desk and re-wrote the question. She asked the House managers to respond to President Donald Trump’s team of lawyer’s previous answer. Nadler jumped out of his seat and got to the podium as fast as he could. Schiff was getting up at the same time but, Jerry beat him. As Nadler is approaching the podium Schiff is begging Nadler saying, “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!”

Here’s how it played out in realtime. Share this: Wait Till You Hear How Democrats Justified Using Steele Dossier - Right Wing News Hour. One of the questions asked over the last two days of House managers was how the Steele Dossier was not considered to be help from a foreign agent. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) explained it very simply… it is not a violation because they paid for the information. Oh, Really? This moment in the Senate would have been comical were it not so criminal. The question, as read by Chief Justice Roberts, was, “Under the House managers’ standard, would the Steele dossier be considered as foreign interference in a U.S. election, a violation of the law, and/or an impeachable offense?” Rep. Jeffries, trying to hold a straight face, responded, “The analogy is not applicable to the present situation because, first, to the extent that opposition research was obtained, it was opposition research that was purchased.” He even managed to slam the accusations being made regarding the dossier as “conspiracy theory.”

After he gave his answer, White House Attorney Jay Sekulow stated, “So — I guess you could buy? Five Senate Democrats make impeachment case in Spanish. Wait Till You Hear How Democrats Justified Using Steele Dossier - Right Wing News Hour. WATCH: Schumer Demands to Hear "What Every Senator Thinks and Why They’re Voting the Way They’re Voting" | News Thud. With Democrats on track to lose on their push for witnesses for impeachment, Chuck Schumer teased a possible tactic to draw out the trial beyond the day. Schumer said during a presser he thinks the American people “should hear what every Senator thinks and why they’re voting that way” which would potentially take days if approved as part of the trial.

Chuck Schumer: I believe that the American people should hear what every Senator thinks and why they’re voting the way they’re voting. And we will do what we can to make sure that happens. Chad Pergram of Fox News tweeted “Senior source tells Fox the GOP wants to lock in a final agreement tonight on when and how to finish Senate trial next week. Share this: White House scrambles to prepare for impeachment carrying into next week. The White House is preparing for President Trump’s impeachment trial to drag into next week amid fears that Senate rules and Democratic protractions will delay his acquittal. Next week is already shaping up to be a momentous time in politics, with Monday’s Iowa caucuses and Tuesday’s State of the Union address, and any holdover would be a huge complication for Democrats battling for their party's nomination and for the White House as it plans a speech it believes will shape the election battleground.

Officials say they still believe they have the Republican votes to avoid calling witnesses and secure an acquittal but now fear they may not get through to a final vote to clear the president by Friday evening. Democrats have suggested they want to hear directly from senators — a change to the rules that would require a motion and a vote, potentially delaying the end of the trial until next week. “We are prepared for any eventuality,” said a senior administration official. Queen Pelosi Goes Off The Rails As Impeachment Implodes: Refuses To Accept Trump Acquittal, Says If Senate Votes to Acquit President Trump “He Will Not Be Acquitted” (VIDEO)

From Mark Sidney at Illicit Info OPINION Blog If you read our blog you know that we believe that ‘projection’ is the key to understanding the Democrats and their bosses in the DS. This is the very reason why I think we are at a turning point in our nation’s history … and not a good one. Today Nancy Pelosi showed just how out of control her God complex has become. But before we get into that, let me set the table. Trending: Biden Rocked By Federal Complaint Filed By Ukrainian Prosecutor Who He Insisted Was Fired Recently the rhetoric used by the left has reached a fever pitch. Never mind the fact that, IMHO, we have a rogue Congress trying to remove a President, the head of a Constitutionally coequal branch of government (the executive branch) for failing to bow to them and their endless use of ‘Presidential harassment’ and never ending string of subpoenas. Think for a moment about the rhetoric the Dems have been using during their desperate coup to remove Trump at any cost. .

God Bless. WATCH: Newt Calls Schiff "a Deranged Human Being" and "Pathological Liar" | News Thud. Former house speaker Newt Gingrich blasted Adam Schiff as a “deranged human being” and a “pathological liar” after Schiff brought up a completely made up hypothetical conversation between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “If the president went further and said to Putin in that secret meeting. I want you to hack Burisma” Schiff said on the Senate floor “I couldn’t get the Ukrainians to do it. And I’ll tell you what, you have Burisma, and you get me some good stuff, then I’m going to stop sending money to Ukraine.” Newt Gingrich: Schiff, personally, is obviously a deranged human being…This is about Schiff. Share this: Trump seizes on viral clip of Nadler giving final answer over Schiff. WATCH: Meadows Blasts Schiff for "Made Up Conversation" Between Trump and Putin | News Thud. Appearing on Fox News with Laura Ingraham, Rep.

Mark Meadows mocked lead impeachment manager Adam Schiff and accused of of “trying to win an Academy Award” since he’s not winning this trial. Ingraham and Meadows were referring to when Schiff said this on the Senate floor: “If the president went further and said to Putin in that secret meeting, I want you to hack Burisma, I couldn’t get the Ukrainians to do it. And I’ll tell you what, you have Burisma, and you get me some good stuff, then I’m going to stop sending money to Ukraine.” Laura Ingraham: Congressman, the House impeachment team just looked really desperate today as you and I were sitting here, just preparing to go on the air, Adam Schiff was making up another conversation..he made up a conversation the President had behind closed doors with Vladimir Putin. Mark Meadows: Well, it did just happen. Share this: WATCH: CNN’s Toobin Says" This Means This Trial Was a Sham" After Alexander’s "No" Vote | News Thud.

The mood was extremely somber at CNN after Senator Lamar Alexander’s (R-TN) announcement that he would oppose calling witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. CNN Analyst Jeffrey Toobin then went on to argue the likelihood of “no witnesses” means “this trial was a sham.” Jeffrey Toobin:Let’s be clear. This means this trial was a sham. This trial was not a trial in any meaningful sense of the word. We know relevant evidence out there in the world. Share this: Hannity Calls Dems impeachment argument is almost "too insane to be true" | News Thud. Thursday evening, Fox News host Sean Hannity blasted Democrats impeachment argument as “too insane to be true.”

FoxNews reports Sean Hannity criticized Democrats once again Thursday night for trying to prolong the president’s Senate impeachment trial, calling their case “insane.” “Democrats’ argument is almost now… too insane to be true,” Hannity said on his television program. “Again, they claim that their rock-solid case [is] totally proven, but we want you to bring in about a half a dozen new people, more witnesses, people we didn’t even call or subpoena to prove our case.” Hannity said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is having a “meltdown” as their case declines. “Even Nancy Pelosi, she’s now beginning to see the handwriting on the wall and she is apoplectic and furious and even beginning a meltdown,” Hannity said.

“The president’s team is there to dismantle the Constitution of the United States. “Pretty scary, rage-filled fantasy land,” Hannity said in response. Share this: Alan Dershowitz calls out CNN, MSNBC for willfully distorting what he said on Senate floor yesterday in defense of Trump. Alan Dershowitz is calling the media out this morning, specifically CNN and MSNBC, who he says are willfully distorting what he said on the Senate floor yesterday when he discussed how a president can act both in the public interest and in the interest of his campaign and it not be a quid pro quo that necessitates impeachment. First, here’s a short clip from yesterday of Dershowitz making the argument that the media is distorting: Essentially, Dershowitz says CNN and MSNBC are claiming he argued a president can do anything as long as he believes it’s in the public interest (like a dictator). But he said that is just not true and he explains his argument again below: Alan Dershowitz is calling the media out this morning, specifically CNN and MSNBC, who he says are willfully distorting what he said on the Senate floor yesterday when he discussed how a president can act both in the public interest and in the interest of his campaign and it not be a quid pro quo that necessitates impeachment.

Nancy Pelosi: President Trump ‘Will Not be Acquitted’ On 30th January 2020 @ 11.00pm © press House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald Trump would not be exonerated if the Senate acquits him because the trial would not be a fair one. Pelosi told reporters, Trump "will not be acquitted.” “You cannot be acquitted if you don't have a trial," the House Speaker added. "And you don't have a trial if you don't have witnesses and documentation.” The Senate is preparing to vote Friday on whether to end the trial and to vote on the two impeachment charges or call new witnesses and seeking documents from the Trump administration. Meanwhile, Three Democrat senators are expected to back Trump and vote to acquit the president in the upper chamber’s impeachment trial. Have your say - ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓ At least one of the senators have signaled that they could vote in favor of only one impeachment article — the abuse of power — but oppose obstruction of Congress.

“Republican-appointed in a Republican majority court,” Pelosi said. Sen. Nancy Pelosi Issues a Statement on Trump, McConnell and Impeachment and it's Insulting and Arrogant. By Steve Straub at The Federalist Papers Speaker of the House and California representative Nancy Pelosi just issued the following insulting and arrogant statement on impeachment: “In December, the House upheld its Constitutional duty to defend democracy For The People, honoring the vision of our Founders for a Republic.

In an impeachment trial, every U.S. Senator is required to take an oath to ‘do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws.’ Trending: Pelosi Loses Her Mind On Live TV- Claims Candidate Who Lost, Actually Won “For several months, the House has subpoenaed documents and witnesses which the President stonewalled. “Today, Leader McConnell made clear that he will feebly comply with President Trump’s cover-up of his abuses of power and be an accomplice to that cover-up.

“The American people deserve the truth. This is of course dumber than dirt. Nancy Pelosi runs the House of Representatives currently. Scroll down to leave a comment! Also join us at MUMBLIT! God Bless. BREAKING: CNN’s Manu Raju "Trump likely to be acquitted as soon as tomorrow" | News Thud. Jerry Nadler Admits Real Goal of Impeachment: “The President is a danger to the country......and must be brought to heel”

Jerry Nadler told everyone today what the impeachment of President Trump is all about when he made the claim that the president must be “brought to heel”. The only danger to the country is the out of control Democrats who are trying to destroy our president. Keep in mind that the day after President Trump was elected, Nadler was overheard on the Metro train saying the Dems need to take Trump out. Mollie Hemingway overheard Nadler talking on the phone bragging about how he should be the one leading the impeachment against Trump. This is all about control: “The President is a danger to the country……and must be brought to heel” Trending: Deceitful Democrats Go Too Far…Lose Key GOP Senator In Impeachment Sham…Will Vote NO On Witnesses When Rep Nadler couldn’t make the impeachment hearing, Jamie Raskin substituted for him.

Think Democrats are “solemn” about impeaching President Trump? Here’s Dem Rep. This was their plan from day one. Raskin is another lying politician: This is all about control: Nadler raises eyebrows in disturbing impeachment rant, demands Trump be ‘brought to heel’ Rep. Jerry Nadler sparked immediate backlash for a “terrifying” remark during the Senate impeachment trial in which he declared President Donald Trump must be “brought to heel.” The New York Democrat also gave a melodramatic warning Wednesday that the country has to be “saved” from the president’s attempts to “rig our elections.” (Source: CNN) Nadler was responding to a question posed by Supreme Court Justice John Roberts who was reading questions in the Senate chamber submitted on note cards and addressed to either House Democratic managers or Trump’s defense team. “If President Trump were to actually invoke executive privilege in this proceeding, wouldn’t he be required to identify the specific documents or communications containing sensitive material that he seeks to protect?”

Nadler went on to respond by saying “executive privilege is a very limited privilege that must be claimed by the President. “But the facts are the facts,” he said. Schiff Says Trump Can’t Be Vindicated Without Witnesses, Trump’s Lawyers Remind Adam He Already Called 17 | News Thud. Trump counsel calls out Schiff for latest fast one, stunt ‘would’ve been automatic mistrial’ in ‘ordinary court’ Warren puts Justice Roberts in awkward spot with Supreme Court legitimacy question. President Trump's Legal Team Exposes Adam Schiff & The Democrat's Coup [Watch] | Illicit Info. Justice reads question about Schiff aides working to oust Trump since 2017.

John Roberts BLOCKS Mention of Whistleblower's Name, Blocks Trial Question on ‘Origins of the House Impeachment’ Justice Roberts Reads Question Regarding Sperry’s Bombshell Report About Whistleblower Plotting With Schiff Aide Sean Misko To “Take Out” Trump (Video) | Tea Party. Rand Paul blocked from asking impeachment trial question naming alleged whistleblower. Democrat Icon Lev Parnas Was Ejected from the Senate.