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EXIT POLLS: The Race Factor in West Virginia. May 13, 2008 — -- A confluence of groups inclined toward Hillary Clinton gave her an easy victory in the West Virginia primary, with less-educated, lower-income whites predominating in this Southern state. In a trouble sign for delegate-leader Barack Obama, barely half said they would vote for him in November if he is the party's nominee. Racially motivated voting ran somewhat higher than elsewhere: Two in 10 whites said the race of the candidate was a factor in their vote, second only to Mississippi. Just 31 percent of those voters said they'd support Obama against presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, fewer than in other primaries where the question's been asked.

Indeed, as noted, among all West Virginia primary voters, only 49 percent said they would support Obama vs. Among Clinton's supporters, just 38 percent said they would vote for Obama against McCain; nearly as many said they would back McCain; and the rest said they would sit it out. Free at last? Social dominance, loss aversion, and White and Black Americans' differing assessments of racial progress.

An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force | NBER. This work has benefitted greatly from discussions and debate with Chief William Evans, Chief Charles McClelland, Chief Martha Montalvo, Sergeant Stephen Morrison, Jon Murad, Lynn Overmann, Chief Bud Riley, and Chief Scott Thomson. I am grateful to David Card, Kerwin Charles, Christian Dustmann, Michael Greenstone, James Heckman, Richard Holden, Lawrence Katz, Steven Levitt, Jens Ludwig, Glenn Loury, Kevin Murphy, Derek Neal, John Overdeck, Jesse Shapiro, Andrei Shleifer, Jorg Spenkuch, Max Stone, John Van Reenan, Christopher Winship, and seminar participants at Brown University, University of Chicago, London School of Economics, University College London, and the NBER Summer Institute for helpful comments and suggestions. Brad Allan, Elijah De La Campa, Tanaya Devi, William Murdock III, and Hannah Ruebeck provided truly phenomenal project management and research assistance.

Killing of Trayvon Martin. 2012 killing of teenager in Sanford, Florida On the evening of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, United States, George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African-American. Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic man,[Note 1] was a neighborhood watch coordinator for the gated community where Martin was visiting relatives at the time of the shooting.[3][4][5] Zimmerman became suspicious of Martin and called police; Zimmerman was injured during a physical altercation between the two and shot Martin with a pistol he was licensed to carry.

In a widely reported trial, Zimmerman was charged with murder of the second degree for Martin's death, but acquitted by the jury after claiming self-defense. The incident was reviewed by the Department of Justice for potential civil rights violations, but no additional charges were filed. Parties involved Trayvon Martin Trayvon Benjamin Martin was the son of Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, who were divorced in 1999. George Zimmerman Shooting.

Putting the Democratic Party on the Couch. Bernie Sanders is beside himself. How can Hillary Clinton take $15 million in contributions from Wall Street and at the same time claim to represent working families? How can she take millions in contributions from the oil and gas industry and claim to be for the environment? How can she take $675,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs and claim that she will be tough on the big banks? One thing is clear. Hillary Clinton’s behavior as a candidate is really no different than candidate Barack Obama or candidate Bill Clinton or every other successful Democratic candidate going back to Franklin Roosevelt. There are three things you need to understand about Democratic politics: 1. 2. 3.

A new study by Matt Grossmann (Michigan State University) and David Hopkins (Boston College), based on five years of polling data, comes to this interesting conclusion: Democrats and Republicans are not the same. It is also evident in elections. What happens when Democrats govern? Why was that? 1. 2. 3. Race Baiting, Polarization and the Attacks on Donald Trump.

Just when you may have thought that nothing could be more childish that the kindergarten taunts the Republican candidates are hurling at each other, the liberal chattering class has shown that it is up to the task. Writing in The New York Times Brent Staples tells us that Donald Trump “has functioned for years as a rallying point for … extremists and racists who are apoplectic about the fact that the country elected a black man president.” He goes on to say that: “Racial hatred is a threat to the country and [the GOP’s] leading candidate is doing everything he can to profit from it.”

Not to be out done, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman claimed yesterday that “Donald Trump … promises to make America white again.” (No, that’s not a misprint. Check it out.) Just for the record, Donald Trump’s lifelong personal history suggests just the opposite of what these critics allege. But what about the Democrats? Do we have an epidemic of white police officers shooting innocent black youths? Race Baiting, Polarization and the Attacks on Donald Trump. Umbrella Page for the Democracy in Action Websites on Presidential Campaigns: Linking to,,,,, and Campaign Literature Archive.

Killing of Trayvon Martin. Willie Horton. American convicted felon Criminal activity and incarceration[edit] On October 26, 1974, in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Horton and two accomplices robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17-year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed Fournier 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register. His body was stuffed in a trash can, so his feet were jammed up against his chin. Fournier died from blood loss.[8] Horton was convicted of murder, sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, and incarcerated at the Northeastern Correctional Center in Massachusetts. On June 6, 1986, Horton was released as part of a weekend furlough program but did not return. Legislative and political background[edit] The program remained in effect through the intervening term of Governor Edward J.

Horton in the 1988 presidential campaign[edit] Fall campaign[edit] The fact is, my name is not 'Willie.' See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Race Baiting, Polarization and the Attacks on Donald Trump. Paul Krugman’s Democratic Party. Paul Krugman may understand the Democratic Party better than most Democrats do. The New York Times editorial writer describes Democrats as a “coalition of social groups, from teachers’ unions to Planned Parenthood, seeking specific benefits from government action.” More often than not, what these groups want from government is at someone else’s expense. That isn’t just a characteristic of the party. That’s what the Democratic Party is. There are also groups that support Republicans: gun owners, small business owners, evangelicals, etc. But Republican groups tend to not want anything from government.

Although Krugman often likes to characterize Republicans as Ayn Rand individualists, the typical Democrat is far more self-interested – in a bad sense of the word. There are no overriding principles here. Think of the political system as a sort of Hobbesian jungle, in which there is dog-eat-dog rivalry among people who are only interested in what’s in it for themselves.

Identity Politics: Krugman Gets One Right. I grew up in Waco, Texas. When I was a child, the city was completely segregated – the schools, the churches, the lunch counters, etc. Public buildings not only had separate restrooms for blacks and whites, they even had separate drinking fountains. I had a nanny who spent a great deal of time with me. She taught me how to make a kite out of newspaper and ply wood and she often took me to the movies. What strikes me as most odd about my childhood experience was the local politics.

Over the past half century, the public position of Democratic politicians has changed quite a lot. Over many years and many elections Democratic politicians traversed that entire spectrum – from one end to the other. What brings all this to mind was yesterday’s New York Times column by Paul Krugman, which made an insightful claim. By way of explanation, Krugman points to the contest between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand campaigned for the votes of blacks as blacks. Why do Black Americans overwhelmingly vote Democrat? - Center for Political Studies (CPS) Blog. Post developed by Vincent Hutchings, Hakeem Jefferson, and Katie Brown. The following post elaborates on a presentation titled “Out of Options? Blacks and Support for the Democratic Party” that was delivered at the 2014 World Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

Photo credit: Thinkstock In 2012, Barack Obama received 93% of the African American vote but just 39% of the White vote. This 55% disparity is bigger than vote gaps by education level (4%), gender (10%), age (16%), income (16%), and religion (28%). And this wasn’t about just the 2012 or 2008 elections, notable for the first appearance of a major ticket African American candidate, Barack Obama. Vincent Hutchings, Professor of Political Science and Research Professor in the Center for Political Studies (CPS), and Hakeem Jefferson, Ph.D. candidate in the department of Political Science and CPS affiliate, set out to answer this question. The 2012 ANES pre-election survey includes 511 Black respondents. Burning down the White House – Obama’s race war against white America. “The problem with America is white people.”

In various ways this has been said by Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, and a host of leftist media pundits like Chris Matthews. White Privilege, White Guilt, and white racism consume them to the point that they can’t distinguish between reality and their own bigotry. The truth is that they are creating a national atmosphere in which black people are being killed more and more. Black lives don’t matter. More blacks have been murdered by other blacks on the streets of Chicago than have been killed by white cops in the entire country, yet no one on the Left is talking about that.

The Democrat agenda is not about saving black lives, but fomenting an environment in which more blacks lose their lives. Why would Democrats care about black lives when they advocate for blacks to have millions of abortions and invite illegal aliens to take their place in the job market? “Hands up, don’t shoot” “The War on Cops” by Heather Mac Donald. America’s next Civil War, like WWIII, is already beginning.

The seeds of war are often obscure when they occur, but are easily recognized when studied in history. People look at history and they think they can mark the day that wars began. The Civil War is said to have started on April 12, 1861 when South Carolina attacked Fort Sumter. But the first shots fired were long before that at the Battle for Harper’s Ferry in October of 1859. WWII can be said to have started on September 1, 1939 with the German invasion of Poland in Europe, but it also began on July 7, 1937 in Manchuria, and it didn’t begin for America until December 7, 1941. America’s new Civil War was begun with the Civil Rights Acts of 1965 that were passed by Republicans but perverted by Democrats. Liberals quake at the thought of their dystopian world caused by the global warming fraud.

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