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11 Times Barack Obama Abused Press Freedom. Beltway journalists are still reeling from President Donald Trump’s first solo press conference at the White House on Thursday. They are complaining, almost in unison, that it was “unhinged” — and, worse, that Trump’s combative style, and practice of calling on non-traditional news outlets, threatens the First Amendment. Perhaps the mainstream media Brahmins have short memories — or selective memories. Because when President Barack Obama took direct aim at the media and press freedom, few complained. And when they did, the media soon went back to giving him fawning coverage. Here are 11 moments Obama abused the press: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Through it all, President Obama regarded himself as a champion of press freedom, having run the “most transparent administration ever.” Many mainstream media journalists ignored the Obama administration’s abuses.

Obama’s Acts Of Treason & Violations Of Federal Laws – Political Vel Craft. Regardless of who wins the next presidential election, when is the FBI going to arrest Obama for treason, charge and convict him: … Obama’s Acts of Treason: 1. Perpetrating acts of fraud, perjury and conspiracy in his refusal to confirm his lawful eligibility to serve as president under the U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, constituting impeachable offenses of high crimes and misdemeanors adumbrated in U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 4; 2. Surrendering sovereign U.S. war-making to foreign powers and international authorities by attacking Libya without consulting Congress, in violation of U.S. 3.

Obama’s Banker’s Policy Strategy Is To Put All Of America Into Jail: Barry Taught “Destroy Middle Class”! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Whistle Blowers: Barack Obama Violates Federal Court Order ~ Charlotte N C. 10. 11. Putin’s Pipeline To Syria: 95% Syrian Rebels Are U.S. Bruce Eden Related articles. Obama's Silky Lie and FBI Bias in the Clinton Investigation by John Kass. Of all the silky lies being told in Washington over the findings of the FBI's inspector general on the biased culture of those investigating Hillary Clinton's email server, one lie seems to be ignored: It's the silky lie told by then-President Barack Obama.

It may have set the tone for the smarmy intrigue detailed in the FBI inspector general's damning 500-page report on the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email scandal. And Washington is revealed once again as our modern Versailles, a place of courtiers and lickspittles who'd use the Ministry of Justice to serve their ambitions. Obama told his silky lie when his chosen successor was Hillary Clinton. Clinton had endangered top-secret information by using an unsecured, home-brew email server when she was U.S. secretary of state. Obama's lie was told in 2015, when Obama was asked by Bill Plante of CBS when he learned Clinton had used an unsecured email server. "The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports," Obama said. Washington Post. ‘Lie of the Year’ Winner Barack Obama Admonishes Congress to ‘Speak the Truth’ About Obamacare.

Sunday night, former president Barack Obama received the 2017 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award from the JFK Presidential Library and Museum in Dorchester, Mass. "I am humbled by this evening and to be honored by a family that has given this country so much," the 44th president said. Caroline Kennedy, Obama's ambassador to Japan, gave a speech. James Taylor opened. I'm sure a lovely time was had by all. The headlines from the event wrote themselves: "Barack Obama Calls on Lawmakers to be Courageous in Opposing the Republican Health Bill," "Obama calls for 'courage' to oppose Obamacare repeal," etc.

Hundreds of thousands of words have been spilled about Obama's 2004 DNC speech, particularly his famous peroration that "There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. " So it was Monday night. Sounds like a prelude to opponent-empathy and searching moral inventory, right? You know what? So it was Monday night. Obama Goes Full on VIOLENT RADICAL LEFTIST in Latest Deep State Rant. Former President Barack Obama decided to share a bit of his past during a podcast, and it aligns perfectly with radical leftist orthodoxy: ‘if you say something I don’t like, I have the right to be violent.’ During his new podcast Renegades: Born in the USA with Bruce Springsteen, Obama recalled the day he “popped” a friend in the “face and broke his nose,” after his friend supposedly called him a racial slur.

“When I was in school I had a friend, we played basketball together,” Obama began. “And one time we got in a fight. And he called me a coon. Now first of all, ain’t no coons in Hawaii, right?” He added. “So, it’s one of those things where he might not even know what a coon was… what he knew was ‘I could hurt you by saying this.’ According to the former president, the act of punching his friend in the face was “just reactive.” This just shows that the recent acts of violence by the left in response to speech that they are “offended by” isn’t a new thing. Barack Obama admitted to something about his past that had everyone asking this question. Barack Obama was one of America’s most controversial and divisive Presidents. Obama’s ability to generate controversy has extended to his post-Presidential life.

And Barack Obama admitted to something about his past that had everyone asking this question. Barack Obama recently started a podcast with aging liberal rock star Bruce Springsteen. On the most recent episode, Obama described an event in his life back in high school where a boy he played basketball with supposedly called him a racial slur. “And one time we got into a fight and he called me a c—,” Obama recounted to Springsteen, “Now first of all, ain’t no c—s in Hawaii, right?” “It’s one of those things that – where he might not even known what a c— was, what he knew was, ‘I can hurt you by saying this,’” Obama added. Obama then said he punched the boy in the face and broke his nose.

“And I remember I popped him in the face and broke his nose. Obama ran for office multiple times. Obama has published multiple books. Share this: NYC man with Wolverine-type claws apparently threatened George Floyd protesters, police say. An older white man, apparently furious at Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Whitestone, Queens, threatened them with knives and then plowed his SUV onto the sidewalk where they were demonstrating, sending the activists running for their lives, according to police and video. Two videos of the incident, which occurred around 3:45 p.m. Tuesday near Clintonville Street and the Cross Island Expressway service road, show the man jumping out of his car and brandishing a Wolverine-type claw — two large knives affixed to his hands — and yelling at demonstrators.

The activists were at the location affixing signs on the highway overpass and demonstrating against police brutality after an admitted racist, Anthony Abicca, was captured on video ripping down a single BLM sign earlier this week and hurling racial slurs. The man then drove off the sidewalk and left the scene. Click for more from the New York Post. Two videos of the incident, which occurred around 3:45 p.m. The widening racial divide of the Obama era. Contrary to the expectations of most pundits, the election of Barack Obama has aggravated the racial divide in America between blacks and all other racial groups.

Seth Forman has an insightful column in National Review that concludes Barack Obama has hardened black political segregation. Far from bringing black and white together, as he promised to do in his famous 2004 Democratic National Convention speech and that was implicit throughout his 2008 campaign, his policies since assuming the Presidency have led to racial polarization. Forman: It's not just the punditry that overpredicted the soothing qualities of Obama's presidential salve.

Average citizens have also been chastened. A Rasmussen poll in October of 2010 found that just 36 percent of voters said relations between blacks and whites were getting better, down from 62 percent in July of 2009. But it has been Obama's statist policies -- his mania for social and economic engineering -- that have stoked the racial divisions. Obama: U.S. 'not even close' to bridging racial divide | GOPUSA.

WASHINGTON (UPI) — President Barack Obama said there has been progress in the administration’s policing task force created after racially motivated protests in Ferguson, Mo., but there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Obama, in a four-hour meeting with law enforcement, civil rights leaders and members of the Black Lives Matter movement Wednesday, said there has been progress in training, outreach and policy on the local level, such as “systems of accountability” that allow departments to use collected data in a meaningful way. Still, the end game is out of reach, he said. “We’re not there yet. We’re not even close to being there yet, where we want to be,” he said. “We’re not at a point yet where communities of color feel confident that their police departments are serving them with dignity and respect and equality. And we’re not at the point yet where police departments feel adequately supported at all levels.

Among those at the meeting where National Action Network the Rev. Riots test Obama's power to heal racial divide. As the nation's first black president, Obama has wrestled with an enduring expectation that he could do more than any other figure to heal racial tensions. But on this score, Obama has mostly come up short, often leaving his supporters wanting more and his adversaries blaming him for exacerbating age-old conflicts. With parts of Baltimore burned out and protesters demanding answers after the death of yet another black man in police custody, Obama seemed to acknowledge just that, pointing to the limits of the presidency and the tragic sameness of it all.

"This is not new," he said Tuesday, addressing the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old West Baltimore man whose spine was snapped while he was in police custody. "It's been going on for decades. " It was a familiar role for Obama, who addressed the high profile deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner with the same exasperated tone. 'Criminals and thugs' Obama's legacy. Obama, Clinton Widen Racial Divide. Hillary Clinton, exploiting the venue of her appearance in Springfield, Ill. — where Abraham Lincoln warned against "a house divided" — told America that Donald Trump is not fit to lead in times of racial tension.

This is rich, considering that she served under the most racially divisive president in American history. On the very site where Lincoln denounced slavery, Clinton said: "Trump's campaign adds up to an ugly, dangerous message to America — a message that you should be afraid. " Clinton said Trump is "pitting American against American" when we need "a president who can help pull us together, not split us apart. " The stinging irony is that Clinton is now the standard-bearer for a political party whose lifeblood depends on stirring racial tensions and alienating blacks from whites. There is no other way for the Democrats to continue garnering 90 percent of the African-American vote.

Democratic Party leaders know that neither Republicans nor their policy agenda is anti-black. 5 Times Obama Has Encouraged Violence Against Republicans. With violent protesters shutting down Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Chicago, people getting physically assaulted, and a Black Lives Matter nutjob almost managing to rush the stage and do God knows what to a presidential candidate, the media is left trying to point the finger at the big boogeyman – “rhetoric.”

You see, “rhetoric” is the cause of these outbursts by the folks at Trump’s rally. It’s just not his rhetoric that is the problem. President Obama recently claimed that things happening at Republican events are not “a consequence of actions that I’ve taken.” But they’re certainly a byproduct of the “rhetoric” you’ve used over the years, Mr. Obama. Trending: Kayleigh McEnany Steamrolls Jim Acosta: ‘If Anybody Needs To Be Fact-Checked, It’s The Media’ These left-wing goons are inciting violence because they’ve heard repeatedly from their President over the years that it’s okay to do so. Need examples of Obama saying it’s okay to be violent against Republicans?

Via Politico: Obama has set back race relations for many years. How will Trump fix race relations? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum. I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76. Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates. He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.

Shameful. President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. Barack Obama says he 'absolutely' suffered racism while President. President Obama has said he “absolutely” has been the victim of racism during his time in office. The US President suggested the criticism he faced from “whites in Southern states” was a result of the colour of his skin. He told CNN: "There's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states. Download the new Independent Premium app Sharing the full story, not just the headlines “Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias?

Racism was not a major element of mainstream Republican opposition to his presidency but was an issue on the political fringe, he added. Mr Obama has faced repeated questions about whether he was born in the US – despite there being no evidence he was not. President-elect Donald Trump is among those who suggested Mr Obama is not really American and that his birth certificate is a fake. The Seeds of Trump's Victory Were Sown the Moment Obama Won.

It’s no wonder, then, that Trump’s crassness with women didn’t damn his candidacy, even with self-proclaimed Christian conservatives. Indeed, he represents a return to an earlier time, when not just people of color, but women knew their place — which is not in the White House. “The age of the pajama boy,” in the words of former Trump national security adviser Sebastian Gorka, had given way to the return of the (white) “alpha-male.” Trump resonates with what you might call James Woods’ America. Actors Armie Hammer and Amber Tamblyn recently took Woods to the woodshed after his Twitter attack on Hammer’s new movie, “Call Me by Your Name,” in which Hammer’s character has a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old boy.

Tamblyn then revealed that he invited her to accompany him to Las Vegas when she was just 16. This is also true on race. “Economic anxiety” didn’t elect Trump. It’s an uncomfortable reality that Obama’s America tried to confront, only to be met with hostility. Joy-Ann Reid. Has Obama Ushered in the Most Racially Divided Period in Recent History? Barack Obama Quotes About Racism. Obama’s Biggest Failure | National Politics and Racism. The Obama Doctrine of Control Through Dissension.

Barack Obama Is Responsible For America’s Tragic Racial Divide | NaegeleBlog. Thanks to Obama, Racial Division Will Never End | CNSNews. Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, and the Presidency | Vogue. President Obama often spoke about race relations in the U.S. Here are some of his words. Obama Accused Of Dividing America With "Racist" Speech About George Zimmerman Verdict. (2849) The Racial Divide And Attack on History Was the Dream of Obama. A Complete Timeline of Race Relations Under Obama | The Daily Wire.

NPR Choice page. Reason to Hate: Barack Obama's Racist Roots - Accuracy in Media. Obama divided America. Race and Racism in the Time of Obama | HuffPost. Why Race Relations Have Gotten Worse Under Barack Obama. How Obama Ruined Race Relations. An Inevitable Race War Is Coming. : ThyBlackMan. Burning down the White House – Obama’s race war against white America. Obama’s Race War Against White America • Dustin Koellhoffer • Hundreds of rioters run wild in Democrat city of Santa Monica. Obama’s Legacy Is a Weaker and More Divided America. An Executive Unbound: The Obama Administration’s Unilateral Actions. There is a war over race in America. But it’s not whites vs. blacks. Are You Prepared for the Race War? In Conservative Media, A "Race War" Rages. Walid Shoebat: Obama wants a race war to overthrow America's government ⋆ Conservative Firing Line. How Obama has turned back the clock on race relations. Obama's Race War, by Ben Shapiro. How Obama Divides America.

5 Race Riots in Obama's Post-Racial America. Report Says Tax Dollars Under Obama Went to al-Qaida Affiliate. There's a Direct Line from Obama, Holder, Rice, Lerner, and Clinton to FBI Scandals. Homeland Security confirms special entry for Russian lawyer. Obama FEC Violation Was The Largest In U.S. History. New Footage of Plane Crash That Killed Woman Who Released Obama Birth Certificate - Truth And Action. Obama releases birth certificate. President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate. Report: Obama Admin Gave Taxpayer Money to Sudanese Al-Qaeda Affiliate. Outrage as Michelle Obama welcomes rapper Common to White House. Rapper’s Ankle Monitor Goes Off At The White House. Obama Email Alias to Clinton Is Why FBI Didn’t Prosecute Hillary. FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family. Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Emails: Key to Lack of Clinton Indictment. 18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency.

Why Race Has Been the Real Story of Obama's Presidency All Along -- New York Magazine - Nymag. Who Is More Responsible for the Rise of ISIS? Bush or Obama? Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal: Iran official. Details: Obama's Deep State Pushes to Continue Malicious Activity Against Americans - Deep State Rabbit Hole. (55) Obama: “We Must Surrender To The New World Order” Obama attacks the police, praises the violent, communist group, BLM. BOOK: Obama Says Tea Party Were "Racist MotherF-ers" | Todd Starnes.

BOMBSHELL Pictures Leaked of Malia Obama and Hunter Biden. SOROS AND OBAMA - LOOKS LIKE WE UNDERESTIMATED THEM BADLY. $3.5 Billion Missing, Obama Administration Covered Up – Investment Watch. Obama's Final Numbers. Did Obama Get Caught 'Spying' on Trump's 2016 Campaign? How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency. Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump. Are Dems being paid to show up at town halls? | CNN Politics. Mark Levin: Obama, Hillary Have ‘Massive Amounts of Blood on Their Hands’ for Enabling Rise of ISIS. ENTIRE Senate SMACKED DOWN Obama & His Muslim Friends And Reason Why Is HUGE!!!

Luis Gutierrez to La Raza: Obama Assured Steps to 'Stop the Deportation of Our People' President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013. Top 10 Ways Obama Violated the Constitution during His Presidency. “Criminal In Chief” — 78 Times President Obama Broke The Law During Presidency - True Activist. Vetoes by President Barack Obama. “WILL PAY A PRICE”: Valerie Jarrett Promises To Hurt Israel, Netanyahu For “Spitting In Obama’s Face” Over Iran Nukes « Pat Dollard.