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Pm2. Hal. HAL is a hypermedia-aware serialization format, which can be represented using JSON and XML format. It's obviously particularly useful for RESTful API delivering real Hypermedia contents (cf HATEOAS). Usage In your browser var resource = name: "Harry" '/harry'; resourcelink'hello' '/harry/hello'; console; Compatibility Don't know, didn't test. OK, more seriously you'll require: JSON.stringifyArray.prototype.forEachArray.prototype.reduceObject.prototype.hasOwnProperty In Node.JS var hal = ; Resource (object, uri) This class designs a HAL resource: object are the base fields of this resourceNote that you can define _links and _embedded properties, this is at your own risksIf you set href property and uri is undefined, it will be used instead of uri and deleteduri is the link to this property (as <link rel="self">) Link (rel, href) or Link (rel, attributes) This class designs a HAL link: rel is mandatoryhref or attributes.href is mandatory Adds a new link to resource.

Resource#toXML () Resource#toJSON () Kue/events.js at master · LearnBoost/kue · GitHub. Rschmukler/agenda · GitHub. Mathisonian/martinet. Node Roundup: newspeak, CatchMe, Catnap. Newspeak newspeak (GitHub: yoshuawuyts / newspeak, License: MIT, npm: newspeak) by Yoshua Wuyts is a module inspired by Mozilla’s L20n project: L20n is a new localization framework developed by Mozilla for the Web. It allows localizers to put small bits of logic into localization resources to codify the grammar of the language. The following example is a small pluralisation helper: CatchMe CatchMe (GitHub: Pentiado / catch-me, License: MIT, npm: catch-me) by Paweł Wszoła is another Node SMTP server that captures emails. It accepts command-line arguments for defining the web and SMTP ports: catchme --mailPort 1234 --appPort 4321 Catnap Catnap (GitHub: mikaa123 / catnap, License: MIT, npm: catnap) by Michael Sokol is an Express-compatible module for generating REST resources: There’s a wiki with documentation that explains how the module relates to Roy Fielding’s dissertation: So in other words, a resource is some service that lives at a URI and that has one or more representations.

JustinTulloss/zeromq.node. Jhurliman/node-rate-limiter. MatthewMueller/cheerio. Mikeal/request. Chriso/node-validator. PgREST: Node.js in the Database. Faye. Connect. Connect is a middleware framework for node,shipping with over 18 bundled middleware and a rich selection of3rd-party middleware. var app = connect() .use(connect.logger('dev')) .use(connect.static('public')) .use(function(req, res){ res.end('hello world\n'); }) http.createServer(app).listen(3000); Installation: $ npm install connect Middleware: Links: Kue. Kue is a feature rich priority job queue for node.js backed by redis.

A key feature of Kue is its clean user-interface for viewing and managing queued, active, failed, and completed jobs. At any point in the job's life-time you can view verbose details, including the job's arbitrary data, creation, update, failure, and completion times. Jobs may incrementally update their progress, providing vital feedback for long-running tasks. Job-specific logging allows you to see how your job's are progressing, or any hiccups they may encounter. With Kue you can schedule jobs to run at any time in the future, a simple yet powerful feature, showing you in real-time when the job will be scheduled. With the UI's action panel you can filter jobs by type and alter sorting at any time. Mongoose ODM v3.6.11. User.js. Express - MongoDB schema design for multible auth user accounts.

UglifyJS. Ursa. Passport. Emailjs. Socket.IO.