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Kool Stories is one of a kind digital learning platform. It helps you gain maximum exposure to reach people, socialize and learn.

Do You Really Have Writer's Block: 12 Withheld Secrets to Cure it - Kool Stories. The frustration is real.

Do You Really Have Writer's Block: 12 Withheld Secrets to Cure it - Kool Stories

Isn’t it? You just sit there, stare at the blank page, and wait for the right words to pop up. Well, the muse won’t magically appear and inspire. It’s time to spring into action. All writers have been there, done that. What is a Writer’s Block? Writer's block is a condition where the right words don’t click, the right thoughts don't strike and consequently, a writer is unable to write. Fear not. Sit with this checklist and tick mark against these common symptoms of writer's block: Stress (in abundance) Lack of focus Fear of writing the wrong words Vagueness in thoughts Inability to find the right words, the correct stream of thought or develop/complete an idea Incapacity to perceive or understand a topic Frustration Distraction Procrastination Desperation to hunt for ideas. 12 Vital Surya Namaskar Steps to Improve Your Yoga - Kool Stories.

Upskill yourself to greet the sun in style and strength with surya namaskar (sun salutation), a part of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

12 Vital Surya Namaskar Steps to Improve Your Yoga - Kool Stories

The Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a modern postural yoga practice based on philosophies & teachings that date back to 4,000 years ago. The surya namaskar is a beautiful blend of 8 powerful yoga asanas (poses)- of 12 steps- that gets you out of your head and fills every fibre of the body with gratitude. Roll out your yoga mats to experience the most widely known set of asana sequences with us. The surya namaskar is a skilful fitness endeavour not just for the body, but also for the soul. 5 Ballet Skills to Effectively Improve Your Dancing - Kool Stories. Let the dancer within you spread wings and soar high with ballet.

5 Ballet Skills to Effectively Improve Your Dancing - Kool Stories

This dance form, all about grace and elegance is a play of phenomenal mental and physical skills that transforms the body to look sensual and feel strong. As delicate and fluid it looks, it is incredibly difficult to execute a balletic movement. But worry not! Those mega challenging tour en l'air or fouette turns come like breathing once you master these basic technical ballet skills: 1. 13 Effective Teaching Skills To Master For 2021 - Kool Stories. Learning continues from the womb to the tomb, and teachers are the torch-bearers in this journey.

13 Effective Teaching Skills To Master For 2021 - Kool Stories

They influence young minds to achieve brilliance and help them realize their true potential. A good teacher shapes future citizens and inspires them to recognize their abilities. In a nutshell, all you teachers build the future. To carry out such an enormous responsibility, some teaching skills come in handy. How to Upskill Yourself For 2021? - Kool Stories. The future holds tremendous growth opportunities.

How to Upskill Yourself For 2021? - Kool Stories

Although, only those who adapt and adopt the upcoming technological drift will prosper. But how do we prepare for it? As job markets shift and conventional roles retire with automation, what do we bring to the table? The answer lies in upskilling. A single most potent tool like it can flip the entire career, add value to it, and expand job prospects. 8 Crazy Skills That Make You More Attractive - Kool Stories. 5 Music Skills With Their Mental Health Benefits - Kool Stories. If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.

5 Music Skills With Their Mental Health Benefits - Kool Stories

I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see life in terms of music.” - Albert Einstein Einstein may hardly be an authority in music, but we certainly can’t ignore the genius of his contributions in the world of physics. His appreciation for music puts things in perspective. Pick up Something New: Top 17 Skills to Learn - Kool Stories. Learning new things is a great way to become more able and independent.

Pick up Something New: Top 17 Skills to Learn - Kool Stories

For all of us, it is a fundamentally essential process. When you learn new skills, you increase your chances to upgrade your life by manifolds. Not only this, but it also promotes your cerebral development and overall personality. "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. " 8 Crazy Skills That Make You More Attractive - Kool Stories. Top 10 Future-Proof Skills You'll Need in 2021 - Kool Stories.

Prepare to be amazed because the robots are taking over!

Top 10 Future-Proof Skills You'll Need in 2021 - Kool Stories

The world around us is shifting at lightning speed and we better keep up. With the current rate of change, co-powered by technology, only skills can 'future-proof' your career. It is the only hope in a world of automation and AI. Trust Scott Adams when he says, "Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. " Therefore, skills are what you bring to the table in the face of fresh technology. 10 Must-Have Skills You Need To Compete With AI in 2021 - Kool Stories.

Brace yourself to compete with robots and AI as the future is lined with disruption technology!

10 Must-Have Skills You Need To Compete With AI in 2021 - Kool Stories

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have introduced a string of changes, transforming businesses to boost economic growth through productivity. In the face of such advancement, most processes, positions, and jobs will become automated. Where do you stand in this technologically progressive job market? The answer is simple - with such equally competitive skills: Cloud Computing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blockchain Cybersecurity Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Cognitive Flexibility (CF) Critical thinking Soft Skills Emotional Intelligence Creativity. 17 Cooking Techniques To Make Wonderful Savory Dishes - Kool Stories. Throw on your apron because it's time to cook!

17 Cooking Techniques To Make Wonderful Savory Dishes - Kool Stories

The flavorsome art of cooking is simply a play of some primary techniques. Combine them with a few ingredients, and you are good to go. You can easily find your way around the kitchen by just knowing the nitty-gritty. Learn all about these seventeen basic cooking techniques, put them to practice, and prepare a spread of the tastiest food every time. How to Improve Your Communication Skills Quickly? - Kool Stories. Make the world listen by mastering the skill of effective communication. There are thousands of messages and information circulating about. Everyone wants to be heard, put across their thoughts, and make an impact. 11 Powerful Tricks to Improve Your Skills  - Kool Stories. There are no short-cuts, hacks, or gifts you can rely on.

Success only comes with sheer PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and PRACTICE. If you have what it takes, anything can be learned and perfected. 6 Most Helpful Creative Skills to Learn in 2020 - Kool Stories. I want to paint what I feel and feel what I paint. . - Vincent Van Gogh This Vincent Van Gogh energy could be dwelling within you, a waiter, a tech-product manager, an accountant, a cabin crew… the list is endless and so is the power of creative thinking. Creativity is the unique faculty that takes the wheel when you are inspired.