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Cours de paléographie : Cours de paléographie - Archive du cours d'ArisitumBonjour, la navigation sur l'ensemble de ce site se fait par le menu latéral de gauche.

Cours de paléographie :

Ce cours en ligne a été réalisé du 1er novembre 1996 au 28 juin 1997 sur le site Arisitum par : Jean-Claude TOUREILLE, en 1997, Président de L'A.D.I.H.A.F et webmaster du serveur ARISITUM. (Association pour la Diffusion de l'Information Historique et Archéologique en France)Stéphane POUYLLAU, en 1997, étudiant en licence à l'institut d'histoire de l'université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3Eric VOIRIN, ma modeste contribution a été de mettre en page la version à télécharger et à imprimer du cours.Je ne suis pas un spécialiste en paléographie. Il est donc inutile de m'envoyer des documents d'archives numérisés.

Bonne lecture, mon adresse courriel : eric point voirin at free point fr Vous pouvez consulter aussi : Le site miroir de Stéphane Pouyllau, co-auteur de ce cours de paléographie.L’archive du site Arisitum. Ad fontes. Willkommen bei Geschichte Online - bung Kurrentschrift. Empfram. Palaeography tutorial (how to read old handwriting) Palaeography is the study of old handwriting.

Palaeography tutorial (how to read old handwriting)

This web tutorial will help you learn to read the handwriting found in documents written in English between 1500 and 1800. At first glance, many documents written at this time look illegible to the modern reader. By reading the practical tips and working through the documents in the Tutorial in order of difficulty, you will find that it becomes much easier to read old handwriting. You can find more documents on which to practise your skills in the further practice section. This tutorial has been developed in partnership with the School of Library, Archive and Information Studies (SLAIS) , University College London Where to start Tips on reading and transcribing documents.

Quick reference Dating, numbers, money, measurements. Tutorial Ten documents of varying levels of difficulty, information about the documents and their historical backgrounds. Further practice More documents to practise on. English Handwriting. Palaeography, n.

English Handwriting

[ad. mod.L. palæographia, f. Gr. palæo-, paleo-, 'ancient' + -graphy, 'writing'] 1. Ancient writing, or an ancient style or method of writing. 2. The study of ancient writing and inscriptions; the science or art of deciphering and determining the date of ancient writings or systems of writing. Welcome to English Handwriting: An Online Course. Top. Early modern paleography » clerestories. Last week I had the pleasure of attending the third Otago Rare Book School in Dunedin.

Early modern paleography » clerestories

Heather Wolfe, curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, taught a small, enthusiastic class of seven about the joys and challenges of early modern English paleography. She introduced us to the quirks of secretary hand, bestowing upon nearly every letter a memorable epithet: twin-stemmed R, right-angle C, butcher-hook H (my personal favorite). The E of the period took one of three forms: reverse, two-stroke and sigma, the latter of which looks like the Greek letter of the same name… and sometimes the secretary S.

Paleography, it turns out, requires us to unlearn modern letters in addition to acquainting ourselves with the shapes of their predecessors. Dr. What did I choose to transcribe for that final day? Book of magic, with instructions for invoking spirits, etc. I rather arbitrarily selected page 55 because it’s written mostly in English. Paleography Resources.