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Stranger #77 Revisited | Danny Santos II - Street Photographer in Singapore. Stranger #77 was one of the most strikingly beautiful face I’ve photographed in my Portraits of Strangers project. So when I decided to do this “Strangers Revisited” project, she was an obvious choice. And when Atika agreed to do a photo shoot with me, I was so ecstatic yet pretty nervous at the same time. This was her a year ago, when I spotted her walking with her boyfriend in Orchard Road.

When I asked if I could photograph her for my personal project, they seemed unsure about the whole thing, but eventually said ‘yes’. Her portrait quickly garnered quite a lot of comments and praises when I posted it on Flickr and DeviantArt. One of the comments stuck in my head: “A girl without freckles is like a night without stars.” Before the shoot, my girlfriend and I went to scout for potential locations. Sure anyone can just go there, randomly wander around and hope to get lucky, but I’d rather come prepared. Meeting Atika on shoot day was quite pleasant. The shoot went quite well. Funny Hats and Beanies. MARCONI UNION - WEIGHTLESS by Just Music label. How to Get a Complete Workout with Nothing But Your Body. Draw a Stickman. Skyrim: Get Infinite EXP Max Level & Skills to 100. Coolest Instrument. The Dialectizer. What the Bleep Do We Know!? This hard-to-describe movie, which combines talking-head documentary footage with a fictional narrative, attempts to explain quantum physics in terms most audiences can understand.

The extent to which it succeeds will largely be the extent to which a viewer grasps the complex theories being addressed in those terms. Does matter exist? Does time flow in one direction? This documentary is a radical departure from convention. It's a documentary. This documentary is available for preview only. Make a DIY Microphone Pop Filter. 17 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Fresh in the Morning. Okay so we know that waking up and doing things in the morning is the best way to achieve our goals in life. We can exercise, study, work, meditate, etc. much better than other times in the day. However, most of us feel pretty crap in the morning. So what can we do about it? How can we wake up ready for work? Ways to wake up feeling fresh in the morning Here are some things you can do in the short term and the long term so that you will wake up fresh and energetic in the morning.

I’ve divided them up into three sections; (1) the night before and (2) during the night and (3) the morning. The Night Before 1. Coffee, red wine and chocolate have been scientifically shown to disturb your sleep more than any other food. 2. Before you go to bed make sure your partner is happy (as much as you can) and make sure that you are happy with them. 3. Meditate or pray or do whatever you do. 4. 5. 6. You might think that sleeping is about the total time spent asleep but this is incorrect. During the Night.