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C# drawing Circle,Line,Rectangle and Ellipse on forms | CodesMesh. Home » C#.NET » C# drawing Circle,Line,Rectangle and Ellipse on forms Advertisement Drawing on C# forms is very easy we just have to learn a few things first. To draw on C# form we need to first define a graphics object which is simply you can say a canvas or a paper on which we will draw our lines,circles or rectangles etc.

Step 1. Declaring a Graphics Object: Here we declared a graphics object g on which we need to draw lines,rectangle circles etc. Step 2. To draw a line we need to declare and initialize a pen first we do this in following fashion This line defines a pen named ‘myPen’ which has black colour and its nib is 1 pixel wide for a marker like brush use a wider nib giving 5 or 10 as per suits you. For different coloured pen use in argument one Color.colorName like Color.Red for a red coloured pen.

Step 3. First we learn how to draw a line. Now to draw a line between sp & ep we do this We have given drawLine() function 3 arguments pen,sp and ep. Step 4. Step 5. Ellipse: About Author. Threading in C# with example | CodesMesh. Advertisement Thread Thread is the smallest piece of program that can be managed by operating system. A process may consist of many threads. Threads run concurrently.

Basically they work in queue which is scheduled by operating system. For a small amount of time processor’s resources are given to one thread then to another. While one thread is being executed others wait in a queue and when any other thread is to get executed the data and content associated with current thread is stored in a memory stack which is replaced in processor’s register when that thread is called to be executed. Threads in C#: Thread Declaration Threads are declared in C# using System.threading() and then using following command where callBackFunction is the function that will be called when this thread starts executing.

Thread Initialization A thread can be started once declared using thread.start() function Thread Abortion A thread is aborted using thread.abort() funciton Thread Suspension & restoration About Author. How to make your own Paint app in C# | CodesMesh. Home » C#.NET » How to make your own Paint app in C# Advertisement For video detailed explanation watch these video: Making a paint app in C# is made easy if you follow these simple steps. Our paint app will have an interface shown below in which you can choose various colours and draw as much lines as you want. Its enough to impress someone and of course you can add extra things to it using prerequisites that I have explained in video shown above and add more and more to your app. Make something new some thing nice something big. Getting Started: Step 1: (a). (b). From this same place change the size of form and set it to (1382,784).

(c). (d). (e). For further instructions watch the video shown above as all cant be explained here in detailed. About Author Wajahat Doing Computer Engineering and love programming, helping others out and providing solutions to problems.... Uprajnenie 15.05. Person.cs. Student.cs. Program.cs. Официален сайт на безплатните книги "Въведение в програмирането със C# и Java" Glavi. Introduction to Programming with C# / Java Books » Глава 20. Принципи на обектно-ориентираното програмиране. В тази тема... В настоящата тема ще се запознаем с принципите на обектно-ориен­тира­ното програмиране: наследяване на класове и имплементиране на интер­фейси, абстракция на данните и поведението, капсулация на данните и скриване на информация за имплементацията на класовете, полимор­физъм и виртуални методи. Ще обясним в детайли принципите за свърза­ност на отговорностите и функционално обвързване (cohesion и coupling).

Ще опишем накратко как се извършва обектно-ориентирано моделиране и как се създава обектен модел по описание на даден бизнес проблем. Ще се запознаем с езика UML и ролята му в процеса на обектно-ориентира­ното моделиране. Накрая ще разгледаме съвсем накратко концепцията "шаблони за дизайн" и ще дадем няколко типични примера за шаблони, широко използвани в практиката. Съдържание Видео Презентация Мисловни карти Да си припомним: класове и обекти С класове и обекти се запознахме в главата "Създаване и използване на обекти".

Обектно-ориентирано програмиране (ООП) Ключовата дума base. Esri - GIS Mapping Software, Solutions, Services, Map Apps, and Data. Shapefile.pdf. VS Shortcuts | Shortcut keys for Visual Studio.